Make seafood okra soup

in Foodies Bee Hive7 months ago

Okra is one of the veggies used in making soup in Akwa ibom state and Nigeria at large. It is rich in nutrients which helps in the maintenance of the body.

To cook seafood okra, it will require seafood proteins as ingredients.

The following are the ingredients:
The number one ingredient is definitely the base of our soup which is:

  1. okra







  1. fish
  2. periwinkle
  3. oyster
  4. sea snails
  5. crayfish
  6. prawns and crabs if available
  7. piper guineense aka hot leaves for flavour.

Prawns and crabs were out of stock in the market so made use of ingredients I could get

Cooking method

Marinate all proteins and season for 5 minutes.

  1. place your empty pot on medium heat, after the pot is dried properly, add in 3 tablespoons of your palm oil to the pot. Note the quantity of oil depends on the quantity of your ingredients. Leave hot for 1 minute then

  2. Add in your onions, pepper mix, seasonings, and stir for some seconds

  3. Pour in your crayfish, at this point if you do not want the slimy consistency okra come with you can add your okra at this point

  4. Pour in all your proteins and stir to mix properly. Leave to simmer for about 2 minutes

  5. Add your piper guineense for flavour. Stir for two seconds and serve with any desired carbohydrates.

Thank you for sticking around.


Hi @endowment

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I'm sorry I'm new to hive and I will sure respect and go by all the rules and regulations of this great community in my next post. All the pictures here are mine. Thank you so much.