Hello, hello friends! Greetings and hugs to all the people who are part of this nice and warm community. It's been a while since I've been here; I don't always have the time or the conditions to bring a worthwhile preparation or experience, or sometimes I just forget to take the pictures.
In my mind, this was a successful recipe post, but little things happened along the way (production failure) and my dream of a beautiful and divine marquise turned into a disappointment that causes me a bit of amusement. It turns out that I craved this recipe because I saw it in a Tiktok, and as it seemed quite affordable I made it (or at least I made the attempt). So here I tell you my experience and possible mistakes so that you don't fail like me and don't get a horrible marquise in the attempt.
Materiales usados | Materials used
- 500ml de leche.
- 85gr de azúcar.
- 30gr de maicena.
- 25gr de cacao.
- 6 unidades de Galletas Maria.
- 500ml milk.
- 85gr sugar.
- 30gr cornstarch.
- 25gr cocoa.
- 6 units of Maria Cookies.

Preparación | Preparation
I don't know if it is correct to call this preparation or if it is an insult to the word, but here I will detail what I did. You may even help me identify where I went wrong (hopefully not everything).
1. First I used 500ml of water to make the milk, trying to leave it without any little balls, then I added the sugar and cornstarch, of course I beat it all very well.2. I added the cocoa and beat it well until it was completely integrated (this took me more time) and when it was ready I poured it into a pot.
3. I put to cook over medium heat, to low. After several minutes it began to boil. I was glued to the stove stirring and stirring so it wouldn't stick, but what do you think? it did stick a little bit. Once it boiled I let it rest until it cooled down.
Ultimos pasos...| Last steps...
Once the mixture was cold, I proceeded to assemble the marquise with my mom's help. First we put a layer of chocolate in a container and then the cookies that we had previously soaked in milk.
We repeated the process again until we reached a third layer of chocolate and added very small pieces of cookies for decoration. Since we had some chocolate left over, we did the same procedure in a smaller container and put both in the refrigerator for about 9 hours. Yes, I'm not lying, 9 hours.
The marquise was supposed to take on a firm consistency (not hard, not frozen, just firm), but as the hours passed and passed we noticed that it was still the same as when it was freshly made. I thought it was our refrigerator that was not cooling well, but the night came and nothing. Maybe my more stubborn and impatient version decided to take out one of the containers once and for all if only to try it, because at first glance the consistency was disappointing.
Remember the capes? Those were nowhere to be noticed, they didn't even give any indication of existing😂. It looked like a half melted chocolate with random cookie pieces. I can't complain about the taste, at least it tasted like chocolate, but honestly I was so excited that I was expecting a better result.
The good thing about that situation is that I got a laugh out of it, and that I now know how not to make the recipe for the next one, and invest in the right materials. I guess later on (when I have enough money), I will buy to make it with condensed milk and cream. I have my eye on a parchita marquesa that I definitely must try😋.....
Has anyone made this recipe before? If so please let me know at comentarios👇🏻. Or if you have tips for my next preparation they are also very welcome. A hug to everyone, and I hope you enjoyed my post🫂✨.
See you at a later opportunity✨!