Hello, hello friends of Foodies Bee Hive!
I don't think I'm the only person who at one moment or another craves a sweet treat, but can't find anything interesting to eat. That's why today I bring you this practical and delicious recipe with just a few ingredients -almost all very common at home- and best of all, you won't even need to turn on the oven. Sounds good, doesn't it, so let's get in the kitchen!

- 50 gr de mantequilla.
- 50 gr de azúcar.
- 1 huevo.
- 1 ½ taza de harina de trigo leudante.
- 1/4 taza de chocolate en polvo.
- Vainilla.
- 50 gr butter.
- 50 gr of sugar.
- 1 egg.
- 1 ½ cup leavening wheat flour.
- 1/4 cup chocolate powder.
- Vanilla.

Paso 1 | Step 1 |
Comenzamos añadiendo el azúcar y la mantequilla en un bol o taza grande y ayudándonos de una paleta batimos hasta que ambos ingredientes se junten y la mezcla blanquee. | Start by adding the sugar and butter in a large bowl or cup and using a paddle attachment, beat until the two ingredients come together and the mixture whitens. |
Paso 2 | Step 2 |
Agregamos el huevo y la vainilla (puede ser una cucharadita de vainilla o menos, como gusten). Batimos hasta integrar muy bien todo. | Add the egg and vanilla (it can be a teaspoon of vanilla or less, as you like). Beat until everything is well integrated. |
Paso 3 | Step 3 |
Añadimos a la mezcla la harina (yo la añadí por partes) y el chocolate previamente cernidos, con la paleta movemos hasta que todo compacte o podemos usar nuestras manos para que sea más rápido. Debe quedarnos una masa manejable y no demasiado blanda. Una vez lista la dejamos reposar cubierta en la nevera por aproximadamente 10 minutos. | Add to the mixture the flour (I added it in parts) and the chocolate previously sifted, with the paddle stir until everything is compact or we can use our hands to make it faster. The dough should be manageable and not too soft. Once ready, let it rest covered in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes. |
Paso 4 | Step 4 |
Pasados los diez minutos, en una superficie plana, esparcimos un poco de harina y colocamos nuestra masa ahí para estirar. No debe quedar gruesa pero tampoco demasiado delgada. Una vez estirada usamos cortadores para darle forma a nuestras galletitas y las vamos colocando aparte. | After ten minutes, on a flat surface, we spread a little flour and place our dough there to stretch. It should not be thick but not too thin either. Once stretched, we use cutters to shape our cookies and place them aside. |
Paso 5 | Step 5 |
Este paso es el más importante. Usaremos unas sartén antiadherente y encenderemos la estufa a fuego muy, muy bajo, una vez este caliente pondremos nuestras galletas y las taparemos, dejándolas por unos tres minutos aproximadamente (o menos). Luego las voltearemos para que se cocinen por ese lado. Una vez listas las sacamos y repetimos el proceso con las demás. | This step is the most important. We will use a non-stick pan and turn the stove on very, very low heat, once it is hot we will put our cookies and cover them, leaving them for about three minutes approximately (or less). Then we will turn them over so that they cook on that side. Once they are ready, take them out and repeat the process with the rest of the cookies. |
When you take them out they will be a little soft and that is normal, you will see that when they cool they will take a little harder and crunchier texture like any other cookie.
This is how the cookies look ready, you can serve them with coffee, milk or anything else you can think of. I think they are very tasty and the best of all is that they do not require a large amount of ingredients, so they are perfect to get out of trouble and enjoy an afternoon with family or friends.
I invite you to try this easy and particular recipe and sweeten your afternoon, you won't regret it, I hope you liked it! See you next time!
foodie food recipe cake dessert neoxian spanish