Foodie lovers.

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago (edited)

Hello foodies of Hive,

I found myself a crate of tomatoes at the market for just 10 euros and I couldn't resist buying them. I am going to make myself a tomato base for soups, sauces or any other dish were this could be us in.


Started washing them first and get the rotten once out of there, just two were not good and that's a good score.


I shopped up two unions


And two bell peppers


Heat up some good olive oil in the pan


And back them until the unions are golden brown. You could add some garlic in this stap. I do really like that myself.



Ad as much as tomatoes as you like to the mixture and back them until the biggest part of the liquid is gone.


Get the blender in the pan until you get a smoth tomato past.


Don't forget to put you favorite herbs in there like these fresh bay leaves.
I used paprika powder, garlic powder, salt pepper in this sauce.


After this, I wanted a simple dish so I got a some bread and boiled some eggs in the sauce.


It was a good dish. The next morning I made a pasta sauce with it and I want to make a nice tomato vegetable soup out of the rest of the sauce.


Do you make your own pasta sauce? What is your secret recipe?

Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Travelfeed profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!


Ouch you killed me with the eggs for the pasta sauce! Blasphemous 🤣

Haha 😅 This us no pastasaus, this is Spanish tomato's and egs. You dip it with bread.

Nice finding so many tomatoes very useful for many recipes, the sauce looks rich, I love you added eggs 🤤 well I add you on IG! If you see a noemilunastorta it's me

I love everything with tomatoes. And home-made sause is so much better than store boucht.

Yum, I often poach eggs in a tomato and onion sauce. Your sauce sounds delicious, perfect for pasta!

Thank you🙏 ik mixe it with creamchees for pasta saus . That was delicious 😊

Cool stuff! Nice share!

Thank you 🙏


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