Can I say that this restaurant is the only one I will visit again if I really want chicken hainam rice? Yes, that is something that will always be attached to my mind and I will never forget. Why? You need to know that this restaurant has an authentic chicken hainam rice taste, even beating the famous chicken hainam rice in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The place is simple but really shows the authenticity of Chinese shops in general. It's a good way to enjoy the chicken hainam rice in a place like this. I feel like I'm in a shop in China with great local wisdom.
We talked one by one, I started from the interesting interior and exterior. You can see there are several corners on the wall with so many interesting posters like a line that indicates this is a modern Chinese restaurant. Then there is a display case that displays all the restaurant's dishes such as roasted chicken that is hung and makes anyone interested in eating here.
I think the chicken really caught the attention of anyone in the room. Then the chicken is used little by little to be served. So, everyone can know the hygiene of the food they serve. Especially the chicken hainam rice which is his favorite.
The chefs are busy preparing everything in the open kitchen but covered with clear glass, they are very busy because there are many people who are waiting for the food to be served. Of course I came in the morning at that time for a slightly late breakfast, because I had just jogged with my wife and then stopped here.
There are two types of food that we ordered, both of which are not detrimental at all. The two menus are chicken hainam rice and also chili oil noodles with roasted chicken topinc. Of course I was interested because the chicken that was hung was very neatly displayed. Two different drinks, tea tarik and tea O with ice. All the food menus that we chose were of course with consideration and asking the waiters, what menu they thought was very delicious and could be recommended to us.
No need to wait too long, the food is served very quickly and also beautifully. Everything is thought out by the chef to serve it so that it looks very delicious. I prefer you try both of these menus, but if you have a small stomach, sharing with friends is also very good to do. Like what we did.
The taste of chicken hainam rice is very delicious, the meat is tender and the broth is very spicy. The rice is very fatty and also fragrant from the aroma of chicken given fried garlic and sesame oil. One of my favorites is about the soup. It feels very fresh and delicious even without toppings but the taste is very rich.
Now for the chili oil noodles, it tastes very fitting, not too spicy so it can be enjoyed very well for breakfast. It seems that our breakfast was too heavy this time, because we had just run 10km and needed carbohydrate intake so as not to be too dizzy. It felt like this meal was really complete, especially ending with the last straw of cold tea tarik and tea o.

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.
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