Testing Korean banderillas

in Foodies Bee Hive5 months ago

Hello, like many girls I am a lover of kdramas and South Korean culture, because last weekend, and like every weekend, in the Parque de la Exposition (Lima-Peru) they hold kstyle fairs, and since I live nearby, I ventured to learn a little more about this beautiful culture, and since I am a big eater, I headed to the banderillas cart, I really wanted to try them because in each chapter of the Kdramas they come out eating them.


The truth is that they are super delicious, and they come in various presentations. It is a roll of wheat flour dough, with a sweet touch, filled with sausage and cheese, that's how I ordered it, but there is variety, and for the zing I ordered it with French fries.
It is an explosion on the palate, because the sweet and salty flavors are combined, and the crunchiness of the coating.


I loved them, just telling my experience makes me want to eat them again, if you have the chance to eat them I recommend them... they are great.😋
I plan to continue increasing my experience with Korean food, which is very varied.

At these fairs you can find not only Korean food, but also drinks, desserts and dances alluding to Kpop music groups.
It is a pleasant experience that is worth living, knowing a little more about the different cultures of the world.

Photos of my property, taken with my Motorola G04
use Deepl translate




Hey I'm surprised that kstyle fairs are held every week, the influence of that culture over there must be very strong, I had no idea.

Korean food has always intrigued me the most, although I haven't had many chances to try it, these banderillas sound delicious haha everything fried is delicious xD and if it includes cheese, even more so!

Oye me sorprende que hagan ferias kstyle cada semana, tiene que ser muy fuerte la influencia de esa cultura por allá, no tenía idea.

La comida koreana siempre ha sido de las que más me ha intrigado, aunque no he tenido muchas ocasiones de probarlas, estás banderillas suenan deliciosas jaja todo lo frito lo es xD y si incluye queso ¡más aún!

Hi Nina, that's right, here in Peru there really is a fusion of culture (Peruvian-Japanese) and well now South Korean culture has migrated and has many fans... and I share your opinion, everything fried is delicious.

hahaha if you are not sure about the taste, fry it! Well now that you mention it, it's true that there's a lot of Japanese mixed in Peruvian cuisine, so it's not so strange that Korean influence, although I don't really understand why xD