To make the cookie dough we need to mix the butter with the sugar, mix until a creamy paste is formed, add the egg and again proceed to mix until the ingredients are integrated as much as possible.
Incorporen la harina a la preparación, amasen hasta que todo se integre, no debe amasar en exceso, cubran con un plástico y refrigeren durante 1 hora, al transcurrir ese tiempo dividan la masa en 12 partes, me gusta armar los rollitos de forma individual porque en mi ciudad hace mucho calor y la masa se derrite, los estire en una superficie con harina y rellené con un poco del chocolate, enrollé y coloqué en una bandeja enharinada, no olviden sellar los extremos de los rollitos para no se salga el relleno.
Incorporate the flour to the preparation, knead until everything is integrated, do not over knead, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour, after that time divide the dough into 12 parts, I like to assemble the rolls individually because in my city it is very hot and the dough melts, stretch them on a floured surface and filled with a little chocolate, rolled and placed on a floured tray, do not forget to seal the ends of the rolls to prevent the filling from coming out.

Precalienten el horno a 200°C durante 20 minutos, cuando haya pasado ese tiempo bajen la temperatura a 180°C, introduzcan la bandeja al horno y horneen durante 15 minutos.
Preheat the oven to 200°C for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180°C, place the tray in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.

Unos rollitos rellenos de chocolate que a muchos van a encantar, sigan las indicaciones y no les pasará como a mí que el relleno se salió, igual estaban muy ricos acompañados de su respectiva tacita de café, dime en los comentarios si te gusta merendar galletas tanto como a mí, gracias por llegar hasta aquí.
Some rolls filled with chocolate that many will love, follow the directions and it will not happen to you like me that the filling came out, they were still very rich accompanied by their respective cup of coffee, tell me in the comments if you like to snack on cookies as much as me, thanks for coming here.
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Translator Deepl.