Breakfast On Budget: Making Simple Homemade Pancakes🥞

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year
Hi, it's still k-banti again, and trust I meet y'all doing good.

Today I explored a simple homemade breakfast and I'll take you through the process in which I made it.

Firstly, I gathered all the ingredients I'll be needing. Remember, I said simple and on budget. So, if you aren't seeing some ingredients you'd have thought should be there, don't think much about it. The following ingredients used would give you a nice tasty pancake also.

Ingredients used are as follows:

  1. Flour
  2. Eggs
  3. Milk
  4. Sugar
  5. Salt
  6. Dry pepper
  7. Water

The process in which I prepared the pancake bater is as follow:

STEP 1: Firstly, I poured all the dry ingredients (i.e. milk, sugar, salt, and dry pepper) into the Flour and mixed them all together.

STEP 2: I added water into the mix and stired all together to form a thick bater.

STEP 3: I then added the whisked egg into the thick bater to make it a little less thick and stirred thoroughly until I had a smooth bater.

STEP 4: Lastly, I then fried the pancake bater with Groundnut oil in little quantities in a frying pan on medium heat.

And that's how I made myself a simple homemade and on budget pancakes for brakefast. Thanks for reading.




Thank you so much for this recipe
It is wonderful to have this type of food tips in our notebook.

Thanks pal

Hi @oluwakayode

We see that you have developed a good step by step of this recipe, however, it is necessary that you appear making your recipes, we want to see you cooking. It is also very important that you include the amounts of each ingredient you used, the cooking times, and how many servings you get from your recipe. Keep this in mind for your future posts in this community.


Duly noted. Thanks 😊👌🏽

Now I can confidently say I know how to make me a nice looking and delicious pancake.
Nice write-up 👍

Haha😄... Good of you. Thanks pal