Saturday Adventure With Backyard BBQ

in Foodies Bee Hive10 months ago


All of my mates were at home today and you don't get to see your mates at home always due to the busy life. So, we decided to do something fun, have a little chit-chat about life to keep us occupied for the day. We decided to have a backyard barbecue program. Even though we had a barbecue grill machine in backyard all of us agreed that we had a BBQ cooked over a brick or clay instead of using metal. So we used the bricks in our backyard to create the above small BBQ pits. We put the heat beads inside and it was ready to go- a lot more easier than operating the electric or other grill charcoal bbq.



We decided to go with mutton(goat meat) and decided to prepare our own traditional Nepalese cuisine: sekuwa and Katiya. Sekuwa is a roasted meat cooked in a burning wood or clay charcoal. You just marinate the meat with herbs, spices and other ingredients and then put it into the fire resistant skewers. Then it is ready to be cooked over the heat of the burning charcoal.



Cooking Katiya is different than sekuwa though most of the ingredients are same but they require extra ingredients like mashed ginger, garlic and a lot of medium sized cut onions. They need to be put in a earthen clay pot and sealed by a wheat flour to prevent the dripping of oil. So I have a mate whose native food is Katiya and he was the connoisseur of cooking it.


Such beautiful moment obviously requires a beer. So we also bought a box of Hahn low carb beer to enjoy for a day.



Well the food is cooked now and its ready to eat. The last time I had this food was back in Nepal even before I came to Australia. And it feels so great to have your own traditional cuisine here in Australia.