Hermanito, can't it be that this is one of the characteristic dishes there? I can't eat that, it gives me sadness with the chivitos and even more with those pictures everywhere 🥹, although I don't deny that the dish looks spectacular and the price is super, but I can't 😓 y como así que le ponen chivo al mondongo también? My God! a whole new world for me with this post 😅😅😅😅
Sipi, es uno de los platos característicos y autóctonos del estado. jajajajajaja aquí no da pena nada de eso, es mucha vitamina para crecer sanos y fuertes. El cordero u ovejo, como le llaman aquí, estaba delicioso, hermanitas. Si hay mondongo de chivo, y sabe muy bueno. Créeme que estaba más bueno. Yo soy muy exigente. jajajaja, es todo un universo. Y lo que falta por mostrar.
Yep, it is one of the characteristic and native dishes of the state. hahahahahahahaha here it is not a pity, it is a lot of vitamin to grow healthy and strong. The lamb or sheep, as they call it here, was delicious, sis. Yes there is goat tripe, and it tastes very good. Believe me it was even better. I am very demanding. hahahaha, it's a whole universe. And what's left to show.