Healthy plantain empanadas (ENG-ESP)


Hello my dear friends of this community today I want to share with you a super rich and healthy green plantain empanadas with chicken, you will really love this recipe, let's start first with the ingredients that I used, which were very few.


Hola mis queridos amigos de esta comunidad hoy quiero compartir con ustedes unas empanadas súper ricas y saludables de plátano verde con pollo de verdad que les encantará esta receta empecemos primero por los ingredientes que utilicé que fueron poco.


The ingredients that I used, which were few, were the chicken that I had already prepared and I forgot to show you how I did it hahaha, then I will do it, two green plantains and that's it.


Los ingredientes que yo utilice que fueron pocos fue el pollo que ya lo tenía preparado que aparte se me olvidó mostrarles como lo hice jajaja, luego lo hago, dos plátanos verdes y listo.


The preparation is super easy, this recipe is really easy and simple and above all fast, the first thing I did was to boil the two plantains and chop them into thin slices to be able to grind it because as you know the green plantain is hard, I let it cook for about 20 minutes, then I removed it from the stove and mashed it with a fork as you will see in my pictures, then I cut the bag where the rice comes in a square and place a small ball of banana crushed it until it is fixed and round after I put the chicken stew and closed I made the shape with the cup I have, from two bananas I took 6 patties, I turned on my air fryer, I sprayed a little oil to the patties and let it cook for 30 minutes so they are golden brown and ready they were very rich and crispy, thanks for reading so far my post take care friends until another time


La preparación es súper fácil de verdad que esta receta es fácil y sencilla y sobre todo rápida, lo primero que hice fue sancochar los dos plátanos los pique en rodajas finas para poder triturarlo porque como sabes el plátano verde es duro, lo dejé cocinar como por 20 minutos, después lo retiré de la hornilla lo triture con un tenedor asi como verán en mis imágenes, después corté la bolsita donde viene el arroz en un cuadro y coloque una bola pequeña del plátano la aplaste hasta quedar fija y redonda después de coloque el guiso del pollo ya cerré le hice la forma con la taza que tengo, de dos plátanos saqué 6 empanadas, prendí mi air fryer, le rocié un poco de aceite a las empanadas y lo dejé cocinar durante 30minutos para que queden doradas y listo quedaron muy ricas y crujientes, gracias por leer hasta aquí mis post cuídense amigos hasta otra ocasión




Thanks for sharing this healthy plantain empanada. I will add this to my recipe book. Enjoy!

Siempre a la orden

These empanadas are very tasty without a doubt, I have tried them and they are wonderful. Very good recipe.

These empanadas are very tasty without a doubt, I have tried them and they are wonderful. Very good recipe.

Si espero que la preparen igual

That looks so yummy! Here in the Philippines, we also have the "Ilocos empanada" which lots of fillings inside :)

That looks so yummy! Here in the Philippines, we also have the "Ilocos empanada" which lots of fillings inside :)

Siii es demasiado rico