Disfrutando un Rico Desayuno con Clima Lluvioso 💦☕🥪💦 Enjoying a Rich Breakfast in Rainy Weather

in Foodies Bee Hive9 months ago

🌸Hola Comunidad HIVE🌸

Hello HIVE Community


Hola amigos feliz día tengan todos, deseando que tengan un excelente fin de semana. Este fin de semana pasado estuve pasándolo por Caripe ya que tengo algunos asuntos pendientes que atender allá y como debía regresar el domingo tocó salir en tiempo lluvioso a hacer algunas compras de ultimo momento.

Decidimos desayunar fuera de casa, así que ubicamos este emprendimiento llamado Jacob's Café donde pudimos disfrutar de ricos desayunos como empanadas que es lo que en la mañana tienen para ofrecer aunque para el mediodía tiene mas variedad como hamburguesas, chawuarma y más.

Hello friends, happy day to all of you, wishing you an excellent weekend. This past weekend I was spending it in Caripe since I have some unfinished business to attend to there and as I had to return on Sunday I had to go out in rainy weather to do some last minute shopping.

We decided to have breakfast away from home, so we located this venture called Jacob's Café where we could enjoy delicious breakfasts such as empanadas which is what they have to offer in the morning, although for noon they have more variety such as hamburgers, chawuarma and more.



Entramos y aunque es muy sencillo me gustó su decoración muy cálida realizada de manera muy artesanal con pocos elementos pero acogedora, cuentan con una maquina para preparar café algo que para mi es ideal ya que es mi bebida preferida, de inmediato ordenamos nuestras empanadas que en esta ocasión fueron de carne molida y mechada, además de una gran taza de café con leche y para mi esposo una malta.

We entered and although it is very simple I liked its very warm decoration made in a very artisanal way with few elements but cozy, they have a machine to prepare coffee something that for me is ideal since it is my favorite drink, we immediately ordered our empanadas which this time were ground beef and mechada, plus a large cup of coffee with milk and for my husband a malt.





Esperamos la preparación de empanadas las cuales llegaron pasados unos minutos y me sorprendió su gran tamaño, muy bien cocidas doraditas y la carne muy bien sazonada; el café delicioso super cremoso, tanto que hasta una carita feliz me regalo pasado un momento de estar en la mesa jajaja. Disfrutamos este rico desayuno bajo un clima lluvioso pero encantador como caracteriza el clima de este mágico lugar.

We waited for the preparation of the empanadas, which arrived after a few minutes and I was surprised by their large size, very well cooked, golden brown and the meat was very well seasoned; the coffee was delicious and super creamy, so much so that even a happy face gave me a moment after being at the table hahaha. We enjoyed this delicious breakfast under a rainy but lovely weather as it characterizes the climate of this magical place.

Cada momento es único y de ellos debemos tomar lo mejor, este sencillo desayuno me dio un excelente inicio a mi día disfrutando de una rica comida en un lugar muy lindo al que invito que visiten cuando tengan la oportunidad de visitar Caripe. Espero haya sido de su agrado mi experiencia en Jacob's café, nos leemos pronto amigos.
Every moment is unique and we must take the best from them, this simple breakfast gave me an excellent start to my day enjoying a delicious meal in a very nice place that I invite you to visit when you have the opportunity to visit Caripe. I hope you liked my experience at Jacob's café, see you soon friends.

🌸🌸🌸🌸Fotos de mi Propiedad, tomadas con un Redmi 9🌸🌸🌸🌸

Photos of my Property, taken with a Redmi 9

pie depagina.png


The weather it's surely not good but the breakfast looks super rich.

The cafecito made me enjoy the rainy weather, the empanadas were very tasty. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Regards.
