Greetings my dear friends, welcome once again to my blog, I hope you are well, today I want to share a recipe with everyone, for me, it is one of my favorite cakes, I am talking to you about a mini pineapple cake, this dessert with pineapple , it is a true delight, the flavor of the pineapple with the caramel is unmatched, although it is one of my favorites I also think that it is one of the most difficult cakes that I have had to make, in reality now, I am not an expert at all, I am still learning, I have made cake pineapple several times, but always with the help of my mother, who is the expert in desserts, this time I wanted to try, making some mini cakes, to see how they turned out, I share the step by step.
Mini Pineapple Cake, Recipe.


2 slices of pineapple, and cherries in syrup to decorate.
3 eggs.
1 and 1/4 cup of flour.
1/4 cup of pineapple juice.
1 teaspoon of baking powder.
3/4 cup of sugar.
170 gr of salted butter.
1- First we make the caramel, in the cake mold, we add two and a half tablespoons of sugar and let it cook over medium heat, until all the sugar is dissolved and the caramel is formed.

2- Once the candy is ready, we place the pineapple slice on it, we do this with the other mold in the same way, we reserve.

3- For the cake mix, we add butter to the mixer, beat for several minutes, and then we add the sugar, we continue mixing, then we add the eggs, we continue mixing until everything is well integrated.

4- Then we add the flour and baking powder, previously sifted, and the pineapple juice, mix for a few minutes in the mixer, and then we finish beating with a spatula and enveloping movements.

5- Finally, we add the mixture to the mini cake molds, and place in the oven for approximately 45 minutes, or when a toothpick is inserted and it comes out clean.

6- After the time has passed, we remove it from the oven, unmold it very carefully, preferably hot, and enjoy this delicious flavor.
Now I say goodbye my friends, I hope you liked this recipe, and as always, I ask that if you have already tried it or have any tricks to make this cake, leave it in the comments, greetings, until next time , blessings.
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