My Go to Recipe for Lactose-Free Fluffy Pancakes :p

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)

Hi, foodies in the Hive!

I hope you're all healthy and doing great 😁

Do you have a favorite foolproof recipe for pancakes? I have a couple of them to help me make a good breakfast on a rainy day--and I mean literally rainy.

As you may know, in my city (Cumaná-Venezuela) it is very hot. Fortunately, I live near the coast, so we have a nice breeze quite often. For us, a rainy morning, or at least a sky that promises it for later, is something precious. In my case, I have the luxury of wearing a sweater indoors, hehe, and I also like to prepare something delicious for breakfast other than arepas--which are our all-time favorite breakfast food, but come on, every day the same thing?


At home, pancakes with cane honey and yogurt or cheese is a must on a rainy morning. Hot plant based latte or cocoa for rainy afternoons...but I digress, haha 😋


Ah, the magic of fluffy foods... 💓





I may use different brands of flour and different vegetable milks, but I've made up my mind about margarine; Mavesa is the one I prefer for pancakes, which I like better than butter in this recipe, too, by the way. It's all a matter of taste, I guess. But I can tell you Mavesa margarine makes fluffy pancakes with a pleasant, (close to) nutty aroma.


To make 8-10 pancakes:

  • 3 spoonfuls 75 gr margarine (I used salted margarine)
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup beaten egg
  • 2 cups self rising flour
  • Plant based buttermilk: 1/2 - 3/4 vegetable milk (I used coconut milk this time) + 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • (add 1/2 teaspoon salt if margarine is unsalted)

  • your favorite toppings 🙃 I added cane honey and some fresh cheese.


Let's Make Fluffy, Lactose-Free Pancakes!

When my son was little, I used to make him pancakes for breakfast at least twice a week, but I used cow's milk to make buttermilk, always, which made super fluffy pancakes. When I turned to vegetable milks some years ago, I had a hard time trying to make pancakes be as fluffy as those I used to make for my son. One day, I thought, I'll mix the margarine and sugar first, and that was it!

But before I mix the sugar and margarine, first of all, I make 3/4 cups of plant based buttermilk by mixing one tablespoon of white vinegar and near to 3/4 cups of homemade coconut milk (which I always have in the fridge). I let the mixture set while I'm preparing the rest. Five minutes are usually enough.


Second, I mix the sugar and margarine with a pastry spoon until it turns a little creamy.


Third, I add the eggs and mix. It's easier if you beat the eggs first; I didn't do it because I was sleepy, I guess. So I had to use a hand whisk 🙈


Next, I add the sifted flour...


... and fold it well with my pastry spoon.

At this point, the batter feels like a cookie dough. It's time to add the buttermilk.


So I add the buttermilk...

And fold again.

I mix for a couple of minutes until it turns homogeneous. This batter must rest 20-30 minutes before we heat our pan.

I let this batter rest for half an hour. Notice how it turned a little thicker, ideal to pour it in the hot pan.

These pancakes are medium sized, about 20 centimeters in diameter. And they puff up to a little over a centimeter thick. I use about 3/4 of a tablespoon of batter for each one.

I pour the mixture into the hot pan with a little oil and cook them over medium-high heat.


As with the pancakes, after the first pancake, I don't add oil back to the pan.

As soon as I see the little wholes form on the surface, I know it's time to flip them over or they won't puff up as desired.

These pancakes cook for about a minute or a minute and a half on each side.

You can see how the pancakes start to puff up as soon as you flip them over.


Like everyone else, I guess, I'm piling them to keep them warm.


Then I serve them with cane honey that I always have in the fridge.


In my opinion, cane honey and fresh cheese make perfect toppings for hot pancakes.

How about you? How do you like your pancakes?


As always, I hope you've found this recipe helpful 😁



Bon appetite!



All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


Thank you so much for your visit :)


Banner by @andresromero 🖤


Hola apreciada @marlyncabrera que rican se ven, muy suaves, me encantaron tus fotos, te felicito, gracias por compartir, Saludos

Muchas gracias, @fotomaglys ❤️ Sí quedan suavecitas. Cuando puedas, las pruebas 😁

¡Gracias por pasar!

Seguro que las haré a mis hijos les encanta, Saludos @marlyncabrera

Me cuentas 😁💕


That’s great and really looks delicious! My wife also makes pancakes for breakfast quite often, and even I prepare them occasionally. We like recipes with yoghurt, which is traditional way of preparing pancakes here in Bulgaria, but surely your lactose free pancakes are very tasteful too! I will save the recipe and try to make them one day!

Hi, my dear coffee friend, hehe. I love them with yogurt too! I try to go lactose free most of the time, though, because I must avoid cow's milk as much as I can. In Venezuela, traditionally, our mothers and grannies use plain cow's milk instead of buttermilk or yogurt. Now in modern times, with so many gourmet channels available for us on TV, yogurt and buttermilk have become popular.

Thank you so much for dropping by! ☕❤️

Indeed super fluffy and making me super hungry! good job 👏 and thank you for sharing your recipe

Thank you so much for your appreciation, gorgeous @nomnomnoodle 🥰


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Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @foodiesunite, @edwing357 😁❤️ Much appreciated!

Very interesting

Thank you, @glenda ❤️

Very interesting

You're doing great. Aside from it being very nutritious for sure this is very delicious too. You're so blessed you've got this idea then. Thanks for sharing. God bless

You're so kind, @amoreyl 🥰 Pancakes are good for all ages 😁 Thanks a lot for dropping by!

You're welcome. God bless

i like pancakes so yummy 😍

So do is at home. Thanks a lot for dropping by, @sheliawati 💛

Estoy desayunando mientras que leo por segunda vez tu publicacion jajaja y la arepita que me como será insuficiente 🤣

Necesito este plato en mi vida jajajaja

Me imagino esa "arepita" 😂

Mediana , no cubre el plato jajajaja


Te confieso querida mía, me encantan las panquecas aunque no son habituales en mi alimentación, cuando me provoca las preparo quedan muy ricas pero no esponjosas, tu técnica me ha gustado tanto he decidido replicarlas con tu permiso!
Para mi con mantequilla por favor y un guarapito.
El resultado final delicioso!

Las panquecas que no esponjan son uno de los cocos de la cocina. En mi experiencia amateur pero de unos cuantos añitos, te puedo decir que la magia del esponjado está en tres factores: 1- la combinación de soda + vinagre + leche, 2- dejar 20 minutos a media hora de reposo a la mezcla antes de cocinar y 3- voltear la panqueca cuando veas los hoyitos, pero antes de se cueza por el lado de arriba; o sea, cuando la volteas, el lado crudo debe ir aún líquido.

Allí está mi crash course panquequero, mi querida amiga. Me invitas una aunque sea cuando las hagas 😁💓

Gracias por pasar.

Quien dijo miedo... en estos días me pongo a experimentar en el laboratorio hasta lograr la esponjosidad mágica. Si te quedas sin electricidad soy yo cargando mi energía nivel God.
Gracias por tus trucos perfectos ❤️🪄

Jajaja. Tú no serás la que anda tumbando el Inter? 😂😂😂
