Hey, @tergan! Nice biscuits you have there; save some for me 🤣
I didn't know Pepsi was acid; now I do. Thanks! I use vinegar or lemon juice whenever I use baking soda--which is all the time lately, as I haven't cooked with baking powder in five years or so. Baking soda + vinegar makes my pancakes fluffy, whereas baking soda alone makes my cookies crispier.
I love that you refer to products and prices in your post. I'm always happy to learn about that. In Venezuela, you pay $1.2 - $2 for a kilo of self-rising wheat flour. Some imported brands are more expensive, sometimes thrice the price or more. AT home, we're a little allergic to gluten, so we take it easy. But, sporadically, we do eat sourdough bread and old-fashioned baguettes (crusty with little yeast, slow fermentation, and enough time in the oven).
Now I'm in the mood for biscuits! 😁
PS. When I joined this community, I read their rules--as I always do--, and I learned that you must appear at least in 2 photos. You don't need to show your face in every photo.