Enjoying A Delicious Pizza At Carlos's 🍕

When it comes to pizza cravings, Carlos has one of the best.

Hello food lovers. Today I want to stimulate your appetite with these images that I am going to share with you. On the weekend my husband and I went for a walk for exercise, something we try to do every day, we started walking around 10 in the morning and almost at 2 in the afternoon on our way back home, we found a pizzeria on the way, as we were very hungry we decided to go in to see if we felt like it.

Carlos is a pizzeria that several friends have recommended to us, but we try not to eat out. My husband is a bit overweight and during his last visit to the doctor he was diagnosed with fatty liver, so he has to be very careful with his diet. But there is one of these pizzerias near our house and every time we pass by we say to ourselves "we have to try them." So this weekend we decided to break the rules!

Si de antojos de pizza se trata, Carlos tiene una de las mejores. 

Hola  amantes de la comida. Hoy quiero estimularles el apetito con estas imágenes que les voy compartir. El fin de semana mi esposo y yo salimos a hacer una caminata para hacer de ejercicio, algo que tratamos de hacer todos los días, empezamos a caminar alrededor de las 10 de la mañana  y casi a las 2 de la tarde de regreso a casa, nos encontramos una pizzería en el camino, como teníamos mucha hambre decidimos entrar a ver si nos apetecía.

Carlos es una pizzería que varios amigos nos la han recomendado, pero nosotros tratamos de no comer en la calle, mi esposo esta algo pasado de kilos y en su ultima visita al médico le diagnosticaron hígado graso entonces tiene que cuidar mucho su alimentación. Pero cerca de casa hay una de esas pizzerías y siempre  que pasamos por nos decimos "tenemos que probarlas". Asi que el fin de semana decidimos romper las reglas! 



The Pizza

We ordered a combined pizza with two flavors and the largest size (45cm in diameter) because we had saved enough appetite, at first we thought it was too much but when we ate it we realized that it was enough to be satisfied.

I think we didn't think it was too much because we ordered it with the thinnest dough they had, if you see the pictures below, you can appreciate that the dough is quite thin, which allowed us to enjoy all that pizza without getting that bloated feeling that remains in the stomach after eating pizza, at least that's what happens to me.

Pedimos una la pizza combinada de dos sabores y del tamaño más grande (45cm de diámetro) porque habíamos guardado bastante apetito, al principio creímos que era demasiado pero cuando la comimos nos dimos cuenta que fue suficiente para quedar satisfechos. 

Creo que no nos pareció que era demasiado porque la pedimos con la masa más fina que tenían, si ven las imágenes que siguen a continuación,  pueden apreciar que la masa es bastante delgada, lo que nos permitió disfrutar toda esa pizza  sin quedar con esa sensación de hinchazón que queda en el estómago después de comer pizza, por lo menos eso es lo que me pasa a mi. 




My half was tropicale or the same as Hawaiian in my country, I particularly like to feel the sweetness of the pineapple chunks together with the salty cheese and ham, it is an explosion of flavor in my palate! My husband ordered his half of the Carlos chicken special, this one had pieces of braised chicken, something he loves. Both flavors had extra mozzarella cheese which made them extra juicy.

Mi mitad era tropicale o lo mismo que hawaiana en mi país, a mí particularmente me gusta sentir el dulce de los trocitos de piña junto al saladito del queso y el jamón, es una explosión de sabor en mi paladar! Mi esposo pidió su mitad de especial Carlos pollo, esta tenía trozos de pollo braseado, algo que a él le encanta. Ambos sabores tenían un extra de queso mozzarella lo que las hacía más jugosas. 



The Place

The place seemed very cozy to me, with hanging lamps and very romantic dim lights, with soft and pleasant background music.

The decoration was not impressive but it was nice, something that I really like in a food place when I go for the first time is the cleanliness, I could see that they put a lot of effort into cleaning, a plus. The guy who served us was very kind when taking the order and made recommendations since it was the first time we visited the place.

We did not have to wait long for our pizza and it arrived very hot and with a delicious aroma!

If you like pizza this is a good place to enjoy it, I don't know if all their branches are this attentive but this one is worth going in.

El lugar me pareció muy acogedor, con lámparas colgantes y con unas luces tenues muy románticas, con una música de fondo suave y agradable. 

Le decoración no impresionaba pero estaba bonita, algo que detallo bien en un lugar de comida cuando voy por primera vez es la limpieza,  pude notar que se esmeran por la limpieza, un punto a favor. El chico que nos atendió fue muy amable al tomar el pedido y nos hizo recomendaciones ya que era la primera vez que visitábamos el sitio. 

No tuvimos que esperar mucho tiempo por nuestra pizza y llegó bien caliente y con un delicioso aroma! 

Si te gusta la pizza este es un buen sitio para disfrutarla, no sé si en todas sus sucursales son así de atentos pero en esta vale la pena entrar.






Thank you for visiting. Have a wonderful day! 🌞


My native language is Spanish, I apologize for any errors in translation.

All images in this post are my property.
English text translated with Deepl.com


That looks a good place for a pizza. Pineapple! I am not a pizza fan but I know that people are divided over pineapple on a pizza lol. Eat what you enjoy I say.

I'm team pineapple on pizza! 😁

Hehe I do like it with ham

You managed to whet my appetite - I looked in the fridge, there was only a banana)) Well, that's better than nothing!
And by the way, I had an idea - is there such a thing as pizza with banana)) It must be delicious 😂


I don't think it would go well with that combination of banana on pizza! The banana can be eaten with soup! That's how I've seen it eaten in Colombia! Try combining it with Marucha soup if you have it in your country! 😂

I can imagine a banana on pizza - but not a banana in soup (although people eat watermelon with bread and say it's delicious)😆🤣😁


Looks so delicious
I like pizza especially with cheese

I also like it with cheese. 👍

A nice place to chill at. We're the same I just like A Hawaiian pizza especially the pineapple.

Then you are on my team! 🍕😂

Hehe! Yes, we are teammates on pizza. And no argue when choosing a flavor of pizza. 😁

wow the pizza looks very tempting


this pizza looks incredible and also the pizza place, i am a big pizza fan! great pics too!

Thanks Majo! 👍