La merienda a la cual te invito son una deliciosas galletas con sabor a limón, acompáñame en esta nueva aventura.
Snack time is a special time for people in the different spaces where they meet. It is a time to talk, share and fill with those energies that are sometimes required.
For this snack, I continue to take advantage of the gift of nature with the load of lemon that blessed us this year, I have shared other recipes where lemon is one of the ingredients, this gives a special taste.
I have also continued to share lemons with people close to me. I am grateful every moment for each daily gift of nature in my home.

Para ello:
1 1/3 tazas de harina de trigo
3/4 de taza de azúcar
1/2 taza de margarina
1 huevo
1/4 de cucharadita de polvo de hornear
1/4 de cucharadita de bicarbonato
1 pizca de sal
El zumo de un limón (aproximadamente 2 cucharadas)
La ralladura de un limón (si es de su gusto usar la ralladura de 2 limones es opcional)
Coladera, bol, paletas, batidora eléctrica.
A recipe , with the amounts of the ingredients, approximately 30 cookies to enjoy.
To do this:
1 1/3 cups wheat flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup margarine
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
1 pinch of salt
Juice of one lemon (about 2 tablespoons)
The zest of one lemon (if you like using the zest of 2 lemons is optional)
Strainer, bowl, paddles, electric mixer.

Mix the flour with the baking powder, baking soda, salt (set aside).

In a bowl place the sugar with the margarine, with the help of the mixer beat until it forms a cream (until the sugar dissolves).

Once the sugar is dissolved, add the egg, the lemon zest and the lemon juice. Beat again until everything is well integrated.

Put the flour through a sieve with the baking soda, salt and baking powder, stir until a dough is formed. This dough has to be enough to make a ball with it. In case it sticks you can add a little more flour; you can also put it in the refrigerator for a while. In this process, after adding a little more flour, it was taken to the refrigerator for a while, while the trays where the dough balls would be placed to be taken to the oven were arranged.

With the help of a spoon and the trays ready, take the mixture to the hand and make small balls, try that the quantity is equal so that the size of the cookie when baking is equal, place in the trays with separation. Once in the trays, take them to the oven, the time is according to your oven, each one knows how it works, approximately in my case it was from 15 to 20 minutes, you decide how golden you want them.

Ready, baked. Wait for them to cool to taste and have them ready to share at snack time.

Crispy on the outside, very soft on the inside.
Happy snacking and sharing with a cup of coffee, a pleasant conversation and nothing but happiness and gratitude for the moment.


Contenido propiedad de la autora Fotografìas propiedad de la autora Imagen de portada editada en Canva con sus recursos. Fotografìas propiedad de la autora. Agosto, 2024. Divisores Fuente
Content property of the author Photographs property of the author Cover image edited in Canva with your resources. Photographs property of the author. August, 2024. Dividers Source Translator DeepL Posted Using InLeo Alpha