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RE: Making Banana Icecream/ Popsicle With Only Three Natural Ingredients.

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago

Hello @joalvarez
This is an amazing recipe that I wish I could taste through the screen.😋 I don't have a blender right now and tend to only use manual appliances since I live on a boat, but I'll bookmark this recipe. I love that you made it into popsicles too.
Did you know that there's a community dedicated especially to Ice Cream Creations? I think they would be excited for similar recipes in the future:)


Wow. That must be very cool to live on the boat. I just checked your awesome blogs, living on the boat. That is freedom. I applause you and your husband for living the life of freedom and peace. This is something that I and my husband have been trying to do also. We always wanted to grow our own foods and raise our own chickens and cattle and just live from our land, and we are getting closer, but only God knows what and when will happen.
I used to wash my laundry by hand every day too, when we first moved and lived at the beach in El Salvador. I am glad for that I got the opportunity to do it, because it taught me how to wash the clothes snd better than than the machine, and I still wash some of my clothes by hand. But I am very grateful for my washing machine because it can get a bit overwelming washing for 4 people.

Thank you for letting me know about the Ice Cream Creations community. I will definitely check them out.

WoW! Thank you for such a heartwarming and thoughtful message.
Yes, living this way makes us understand freedom on another level. It was the best decision we made.
I trust you'll achieve that dream of self-sustainability by growing and raising your own. Your life sounds fantastic too:)))