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RE: Tasty Wednesday #16: Baked Muffins with Protein (Recipe)

in Foodies Bee Hive β€’ last year

They look pretty delicious! And crunchy on top sounds perfection to me!!!😻
I like that they are cacao muffins, and it seems to have quite some cacao in there. Yum!!

Are u still going to the gym? How many times a week? I only do exercices at home. Mom life for now πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

P.S. And I love your paper muffin forms. πŸ¦„πŸ¦„

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I haven't been this week at all due to lots of work, but planning to go tomorrow and maybe in the weekend too. I usually go 4-5 times per week πŸ₯°

Home exercise sounds decent for me. I've been doing it for years before going to the gym and for cardio it felt just perfect ☺️

Thank you. They are not the best paper muffin forms I had as they are quite thin, but at least they look pretty haha

Whatttt! 4-5 times per week? Thats good girl! I envy you now :))) in the good sense ofc πŸ˜„

Home exercise is perfect for me at the moment, I can't do anything else. But I'm ok with it and I can work some muscles too at home, no need for the gym. I am so behind with exercising that I'm just fine with whatever I can do. When I feel I reached my "next level" maybe I'll go to the gym, unless there will be no other babies in the way :))) haha

Well, I dont know about their quality but they look nice. 😍

Haha, you never know! Either way, I've seen a lot of moms going to the gym, either if they have the baby with them or not 🀰🏼. But time is the real problem I guess. Which is also my case lately.

How are you and Caleb feeling? I remember saying something about him a while ago πŸ€—

Β last yearΒ (edited)

I meant that if I'd have another baby (not on the way, already born) than bye bye gym. 🀣🀣

For me...its not just the time problem. We have a lot on the role moving, and I cant find....not time...lets say focus to go to the gym. I dont feel that I can, at the moment. I am ok with my gym home routine. I feel comfi with it.

Me...I'm feeling ok now. Today and yesterday I really felt I am not stressed anymore, so mentally I am good. On the other hand, I still have my sinusurile inflamate and its already 2 weeks since I have "muci" 🀣🀣. Na, acuma pe bune. Ca deja ma dispera. Zici ca sunt copil de 4 ani cu muci peste tot. Horror.
Am inceput sa scriu normal, si acum o iau pe aratura. 🀣 you can feel my disperare.

Caleb e ok. A facut si varicela acum 2 sapt. Nici bine nu era cu otita ca a venit varicela pe rol. Din cauza varicelei, au fost ceva complicatii si a trebuit sa mergem la spital cu el. Ba ca ne interneaza, opereaza, ba cq nu mai. Stres maxim. Am venit acasa, am mai asteptat 2 zile sa vedem, ne-am dus din nou la spital. S-a rezolvat....deci acum suntem ok, adica Caleb e bine.
Se recupereaza inca de varicela si de toate virusurile pamantului. Dar e bine. Acelasi el. Cu ale lui. 🀣🀣

Thanks for asking. Appreciate yoy worring for us. β™₯️

Hai ca raspund si eu tot in romana daca ai facut tranzitia pe final 🀣
Am vazut destule mamici si cu bebe in burta.. unele din ele au venit pana in luna a 8a la sala!!! Eu nu as avea curaj dar ziceam ca idee 🀣
Imi pare foarte rau sa aud prin ce a trecut si Caleb si tu πŸ˜₯ o gramada de evenimente intr-un timp scurt care sigur te-au stresat enorm. Totusi ma bucur ca usor usor ati trecut peste si reveniti la normal. Si parintii mei au fost raciti si habar n-am ce e in aer de o multime de oameni racesc lately, dar iti doresc insanatosire grabnica si sa te bucuri de primavara fara alte raceli πŸ€—