Hello food lovers!!!
For today's blog ,I will be sharing to you my newly discovered quick and easy to prepare dessert recipe using only 4 ingredients.
If you are interested,well you have to read this blog of mine and must try it hihi.
Anyway ,I got this recipe when I was scrolling on FB and since we have the ingredients needed ,because of my curiosity ,I tried it and love the result.
You only need this 4 ingredients...
-powder juice(any flavor)
How to prepare?
First prepare 3 cups of water,pour the half amount of 19g juice powder,then add 1/2 cup of sugar and mix.
Put it in the fire with a medium fire .When it boiled ,turn the fire into a low heat and keep stirring until the mixture is thicken.
Prepare a container and pour the thicken mixture and let it to cold and put it in fridge for three hours.
When it cold ,it is ready to serve and since we have a left over cheese ,I added it for toppings.This is just an optional but for me it gives a better taste coz cheese have a little bit salty.
In this recipe ,we can only spend $0.50 and 4-5 minutes on preparing it.
See ,what a quick and easy recipe to prepare.
Anyway ,if you reached reading this part ,thank I really appreciate on on spending your time to read my blog.
And that's it for today ,I hope you learn something from my blog.
Have a great day everyone,see you on my next blog😘