Quick ,easy and budgeted sardines recipe

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year

What's up food lovers!!!!

Hello everyone,I hope you are all doing good today.

Everytime we are running out of budget ,we usually have the sardines as our savior for our meals.

Sardines also is what we usually recieved as a relief goods from the government .

So,since we are facing another financial crisis again ,I need to budget the money left from my husband's salary.Trying to make it to be enough for the next salary.

For today's blog ,I will be sharing another quick ,easy and budgeted recipe.It may a budgeted recipe but a delicious and healthy meal as well.


Sardines with bottle gourd



1can of sardines
1bottle gourd(medium size)
Salt and pepper


First ,prepare all the ingredients peel the bottle gourd or we called it balentiyong or upo.



After peeling it ,slice it in a thin small size.


I have a short funny story about this kind of vegetables .
I was 14years old when I worked as a house maid for two months during vacation.
My boss told me to cooked the bottle gourd with meat.Its my first time to cooked this and I am not thinking that it needs to peel haha.So what I did was cut this into small cubes with out peeling it haha.
I just following my boss instruction on cooking it.

But they did'nt instructed me to peel it ,maybe they are thinking that I already knew it but not hahaha.

So when we are having our dinner ,they are laughing as we need to peel it before we chew it lol.

Back to the recipe,after preparing all the ingredients,in a hot pan saute the garlic and onion.
When it turned golden brown ,add the slice vegetable and cooked it for about 5mins,then add the sardines.



Then add 1can of water,I used the sardines can so that no sauce will be wasted haha


Wait until it boiled then beat one egg and add it cooked for 1 minute



Then serve it while it's hot!


I spent $0.46 for the bottle gourd and spices.Then $0.54 for the sardines and egg.
So ,it all cost $1 for one meal and good for 5 adults and 2 kids .
See,how budgeted it is hihi.

This one of the things I learned as a house wife,budgeting our daily food but I make sure that the kids will eat too.

And that's it for today ,I hope you learn something from my blog .Thank you and have a great day!