¼ de pechuga de pollo sin piel
aprox. 1½ a 2 litros de agua para cubrir toda la pechuga
1 papa en trozos
1 cebolla mediana o 2 pequeñas en trozos
1 tomate grande en trozo
4 ajíes
1 cucharada de orégano seco
1 cucharada de pimentón molido
1/2 cucharada de adobo
1 a 2 tazas de caldo de pollo
sal y pimienta negra a tu gusto
Aceite para freír.
¼ skinless chicken breast
approx. 1½ to 2 liters of water to cover the entire breast
1 potato in pieces
1 medium onion or 2 small ones in pieces
1 large tomato in pieces
4 peppers
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon of ground paprika
1/2 tablespoon adobo
1 to 2 cups of chicken broth
salt and black pepper to your liking
**PREPARATION** In a saucepan cover the cleaned chicken breast with water, add salt to taste. Cook over medium heat and cover for a few minutes, until you see that the meat is not pink. If foam forms on the broth, scoop it out with a ladle or slotted spoon. Once ready, remove the breast, let it cool and store the thistle. Subsequently chop the dressings and crumble the breast.
In a large frying pan, fry the potato pieces in oil, until golden brown.
then add the pieces of tomatoes, onions and chili. Season with ground paprika, oregano, marinade, salt and pepper to your liking.
Stir in shredded chicken and stir. Add a cup of reserved broth and cook until the liquid has dried. Rectify the seasoning to your liking. Turn off the heat and let it rest.
Guardar en un envase hermético y esperar a que esté bien frío para meterlo a la nevera. Lo podrás utilizar para cualquier receta durante una semana.
Store in an airtight container and wait until it is very cold to put it in the fridge. You can use it for any recipe for a week.
¡Y no te olvides de compartir esta receta con tus amigos!!!
¡Te deseo un buen provecho y hasta la próxima!!!