First Time Making Old-Fashioned Doughnuts

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago


Donuts have always been a special snack dish for everyone at home. It's a long process, but a lot of people buy donuts, including me. I usually buy donuts but this time I did it differently. The smell of donuts wafted into my kitchen this time, simple donuts with simple toppings.


This is my first time making donuts, usually I only see my sister making donuts. Because this is my first time making doughnuts. I'm not sure if the end result is perfect, but I've always been satisfied with the results.


The recipe I made is an old school donut recipe, with ingredients without the use of milk, potatoes or anything else to support the donuts to be better. Believe me, these are also the best donuts I've ever enjoyed, so if you're curious, check out the recipe below.



250 gr wheat flour
1 tablespoon yeast
3 tablespoons sugar
110 ml warm water
4 tablespoons butter
Salt to taste

Topping Donuts


Chocolate glaze

Making Procedure

Step 1

First I activate the yeast beforehand, prepare warm water then mix granulated sugar into warm water stirring until the sugar dissolves.


Step 2

Add yeast then stir again until evenly distributed and cover tightly with a cloth. Wait until it expands or for 10 minutes if it expands it means the yeast is still active and ready to use.





Step 3

Melt the margarine until it melts with a melt of butter in boiling water like you do when you want to melt chocolate.


Step 4

If all ingredients are ready to be prepared, mix the yeast in a larger container with 1 egg beaten just briefly until well mixed.


Step 5

Add flour in the dough while stirring, finally add melted butter and also a little salt to stir until evenly distributed.





Step 6

Stir the dough if it is evenly distributed rest the dough, for 30 minutes then cover the dough with a cloth.



Step 7

If it has been 3 minutes the dough has risen 2 times, then deflate it again and put it on the work table.


Step 8

Divide the dough into several parts, then round the dough until it is as smooth as possible. Don't forget to sprinkle flour on the bottom of the dough so it doesn't stick.





Step 9

Then deflate the dough that has been rounded with whatever is in my house pressing with a jar that has a flat surface.



Step 10

Lubangkan the center of the donut by using anything, yeay happy once the donut has formed and resembles donuts that people sell in the market.


Step 11

After all the dough is shaped cover the dough again with a cloth, rest again for 60 minutes.





Step 12

After 60 minutes the donuts have expanded 2 times I fry on low heat in hot oil until brownish yellow. Make sure to flip the donuts only once at this stage.





Step 13

After frying, wait for the donuts to cool down to room temperature, then it's time to give the topping appun. I tossed the doughnuts in chocolate glaze and topped them with chocolate chips.








Soft, fat, old-school doughnuts ready to be served and enjoyed at leisure. I add topping donuts some of the donuts and kept the rest in a tightly sealed container. This is yeah so that the donuts will last until tomorrow.



Who would have thought that such a simple donut recipe would turn out to be so delicious. The texture is soft, and what I like the most is that the donuts are not hard and crunchy when eaten. This recipe is truly a savior for those of you who are just starting out making donuts with low baget but satisfying results.


Besides the fluffy texture, the flavor is also very good. The chocolate glaze is perfect and the sprinkle of chocolate chips on top adds to the excitement of enjoying this perfect donut. Now for those of you who want to make a simple donut recipe that is easy to make this. The donuts are soft and very tasty especially enjoyed while still fresh ahhh really taste.


Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

See you in the next post


I liked this donut recipe because you don't need to work the dough with hot water. It's different than the ones I've seen so far, and I can see that they turned out really fluffy. I feel like trying it soon 😀

Yes you are right it is very easy without kneading, I only rested the dough twice. But in my opinion if you want maximum results, still knead the dough until smooth. However, I still think that for an old school donut like this, the result is very satisfying for me. Good luck with the recipe, good luck!


Wonderful! I have made donuts a couple of times, they are delicious, the process is simple, the wait is the exasperating part

This time I agree with you the waiting process is too long, sometimes I just leave it and go for a while so I don't get bored😄

Looks nice and I'm sure it tastes nice too 😊

Can I get one ?? Lol

Try making it at home it's so easy!

I'll do that
Thank you 😊