Very blessed again to be with family on Christmas Day. My daughter in law, Les, cooked up a storm for us.
My daughter and I, with Tony, a friend, arrived at Jack and Les' house for a Christmas lunch.
There was a charcuterie board and snacks for us as we sat outside in the lovely sunshine. It really was a beautiful day.
My dished up plate of food
Les, makes the best tzatziki (cucumber, garlic and yoghurt dip)
Then we were served roast lamb, roast chicken, roast potatoes, yorkshire pud (made from scratch)
The chicken was cooked perfectly
cauliflower and cheese sauce
Mashed butternut, yorkshire puds and carrots with brussel sprouts
Our table
It really was an outstanding meal - and then we followed with karaoke - all taking turns and sometimes singing together.
Earlier in the day Tony took his two dogs for a secret santa treat and I just had to share this pic of Luna and Lady dressed for the occasion. Tony said they had a lot of fun and all the owners had their dogs off their leashes and they had the time of their lives.