Patsitivity's Palate: Cebu's Cake Heaven

in Foodies Bee Hive5 days ago (edited)

What do you usually do when a year nears its end? Do you write a year-end reflection? Or maybe prepare a lit of goals for the following year? In my case, I do both. :)

2024 was a lot to take in. I was diagnose with micropapillary thyroid carcinoma, my mother was hospitalized due to amoebiasis and we received the official notice that we had to leave the land where our house is erected. But life had a funny way of balancing things, last year was also bombarded with success and adventures. We moved into our first home and had so much fun and stress filling our tiny home with new appliances and furniture. My boyfriend was finally accepted in a scholarship for his PhD at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Despite my surgery, I was able to travel to Manila, Iloilo, Cagayan, Calayan Island, Hongkong, Macau and Northern Mindanao (for our 5th anniversary celebration). 2024 taught me that life can be both brutal and kind. I don't know if that makes sense to others but it does to me.

The drama won't go futher this point! 😅 Today, I'll take you to another must-try cake shop in Cebu City. Just last year, it opened its Banawa branch which was very near our home. I was eyeing to visit it but never got the chance. Finally before 2024 ended, I was able to spare an hour or two to try their cakes and other offerings,




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I decided to walk from our home in Tisa all the way to Kermit's in Banawa. It's roughly 3km away or about a 30-minute chill walk. There are more convenient options but I opted to take an afternoon stroll. Let's just say, I'm making space for the food I was so excited to eat! 😅

I rememeber attempting to dine her before but due to their limited seating capacity, I backed out. I was so glad that this time around, there were only three of us in the shop's small dining space. I have to warn you, if you're dining with a big group, say 10 pax up, you might fit it if there's no other groups around but you might be seating far from each other. I don't recommend this for big groups.


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The shop might be small but it's charming and cozy. I love the warm low light combined with its consistent light wood panels in plain and corrugated designs notably used in the shop's walls, counter, open kitchen and ceiling; furniture and fixture were in accordance with this theme, too! All this made the entire space very relaxing and fitting for the the purpose of my visit, which was to reflect on the year that has been and make plans and finalize goals for the year to come. But I think I got lucky tho as this shop is not always calm as this. It can be jampacked with dessert lovers especially on weekends.

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To save money, I ate dinner elsewhere. The plan was to get dessert at Kermit's. I had chocolate chip frappe and a slice of their mouth-watering Rocher chocolate. It might look too sweet in the photos but trust me, the sweetness was just right, in fact, perfect! The frappe underperformed based on my towering standard for blended chocolate drinks.

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Walked home to and from Kermit's! 😅

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Living life intentionally every single day, she believes that there’s no limit to one’s potential. Right now, she’s on the loose for the pursuit of endless holistic self-growth and development. She wants to light the way for others. She believes there’s no better way to leave a legacy than to pay it forward.

Her ultimate goal in life is to reach the state of enlightenment where there’s nothing but peace, love, happiness, and contentment - nothing more, nothing less.

If you are captivated by what this girl just wrote here, an upvote is pretty appreciated. Follow her as she tells her stories full of positivities. The next story might be for you! ❤️


Your visit to Kermit’s sounds like such a lovely experience! The cozy ambiance of the shop seems perfect for reflection and planning, and that Rocher chocolate cake looks absolutely delicious!

beauty and aesthetic cafe. The place is very comfortable and as promised the cake looks delicious and luxurious!

Actually po when the year ends I usually set goals intended for that year or maybe I set long term goals

And it most be wonderful