If you are a marshmallow lover, I have a secret to tell you! Making marshmallows at home is one of the easiest recipes.
It needs only a few ingredients and doesn't require much time and precise skills either. I often make it at home for my little one, with different flavors and different colors.
Let me share how I usually do it.
- 2 tbs gelatine
- 2 cups of sugar
- 1 cup of sugar
(for the syrup)
You can adjust the sugar according to your taste. - 1 tsp of vanilla extract
- Color or flavor as per your liking
- Powdered sugar and cornstarch 1:3 for coating
That's it. I guess we all have these in our kitchen already.
Step-by-step process:
First, we need to prepare the syrup.
Add the gelatine with warm water in a cup/bowl and mix it properly until resolved. It will become a thick and sticky mixture.
Add the mixture to the boiling water and sugar in the pan. Cook it until it looks properly resolved, smooth, and thick.
This is the texture we need. Use an electric mixture to whisk it when it's still warm.
It will take a few minutes to make it look like whipped cream. When it becomes thick and can't whisk anymore, follow the next step.
Sprinkle the cornstarch and powdered sugar mixture like this in a box or where you want to set the marshmallow.
Pour the whisked mixture into the box. I have made it in two portions, one is white, then added an orange color in another portion.
You can add any color you want or flavor also. Poke the bubbles and put them in the fridge to set.
Set it in the fridge for at least 5-6 hours. When you take it off the box, it will stick to the plastic. Don't worry, if the texture is right then it will not rip.
So put some pressure to take it off, and put it in another cornstarch and powdered sugar bed to cut. Make cuts as you like.
Put the pieces in the cornstarch and powdered sugar mix and coat them properly so they don't stick anymore.
Tada! The marshmallow is ready to eat!
Doesn't it look beautiful?
Store it in an airtight container in the fridge. You can store it for almost two weeks. But I know you will finish it before that. Ask me, how do I know? lol
The store-bought marshmallow usually costs a lot. So I often make it this way. Because with just a few ingredients, labor, and money we can have a box full of fluffy goodness.
Try it, you will love it :)