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RE: Roasted Root Vegetable Soup with Lovely Lovage

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

Oh cool! Hope it is as delicious as mine. It's definitely more a European herb. How else might you use it? It DOES have a lovely name. Did you end up making those oat cookies? I just made another batch and we ate them all in two days which is really bad.


It was great! Though gotta say, the bread really sweetened the deal for me. Perfect meal for a rainy day. Hmm other ways to use lovage that I've seen around here would be pesto and stews, but primarily in Ro it's used for soups and borsch.
Oh yes, the oat cookies! I did, I was just thinking the other day that I should make some more - loved them, thank you for that recipe! And hey, it's a healthy recipe so you were doing yourselves a sorta favor :D

haha healthy apart from the sugar and white flour? My waist disagrees.. :P

Ah, I did think lovage pesto could be a thing, perhaps if it was mellowed with some kale as well? I think that'd be amazing in a wintery bean stew? Yum.

I think it's my eastern Euro roots coming out - my grandpa was slovenian and i think his family hailed from further east, though who knows. I would love to do a dna check if my data wasn't at risk of being stolen. There's a big argument for ancestral memory, a cellular memory that remembers lovage in winter soups.