~So this recipe is perhaps the simplest of all that I have shown you so far. I hope you will like it, just because it is easy to make and very tasty.~
• This cake takes me back to my childhood, because we were always given the same chocolate cake in kindergarten.
• I tried many times to make this cake and make it the same as in kindergarten, but I never succeeded. Then I remembered that my grandmother used to make the same one for me.
• I asked her about her recipe. When I made it according to that recipe, it turned out exactly the same as in kindergarten, and I've always made it that way ever since. I hope you will like it as much as me and my family. Sometimes they tell me I'm a master chef. 😂
So, this is what you need:
- two glasses of sour milk
- three glasses of flour
- two glasses of sugar
- 1/4 cup oil
- one baking powder
- one large spoon of cocoa
~ Fill - 23 spoons of milk
- five spoons of sugar
- 200gr of chocolate
- 100gr of butter
• So, first add sour milk and sugar and mix it well. There is not much to explain about this recipe because it is very simple, so there will not be much text. 😊
• Then, just throw in all the other ingredients.
It is very important to emphasize that everything should be mixed well with a mixer and the mixture should be thick, so that you don't think that something is wrong.
• When you're done, pour it into a bowl and bake it at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.
• As for the filling, put the butter, milk and sugar first and cook until the butter melts completely. When it starts to boil, take it off the stove, add the chocolate and mix it all the time so that no lumps form.
• When everything is nicely cooked, you just pour over the mixture and that's it.
• I hope you liked this recipe and will try to make this delicious chocolate cake. Trust me you have to try it. Very simple and quick to make. :)

I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.