Spaced Out Thoughts - StarDust Coffee


I want to share an exciting coffee I just tried! Its from Spaced Out Thoughts Nano-Roastery Everything about this tiny roaster is cool starting with Jack the 7 year old Yorkie on the logo.


But the coffee is still the star. Nano batch roasted, single origin coffee usually roasted on the rooftop of the founders apartement building in Salt Lake City with views of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains. Awesome smooth and sweet roast.

Stardust 9-27-23 batch

Check out the reviews on Etsy. I've had two bags and both were consistently delicious.

My cup

The founder is a remote working software engineer that started pursuing his passion for coffee and then started sharing with friends and fellow enthusiasts. The founder is also the person that turned me onto Steem back in the day and crypto in general. He was the organizer of the San Francisco CryptoCurrency Developers meet up early on. The meetup was for engineers only and got up to 800 members. For an exceptional cup of coffee with a unique crypto story, try out some beans from Spaced Out Thoughts👍


You make me envious as I'm also a lover of good coffee.

Check him out on Etsy Spaced Out Thoughts Nano-Roastery the dude joined Steem on 2/20/2017 he's done some cool things like sold Ben and Jerry's for Bitcoin lol

No delivery to Canada 😢 But there are some great coffee shop here, so if you're ever in Montreal, I could put together a little list for you...
Enjoy your saturday

Mormon Coffee!!??? Say it aint so? J/k I grew up in a mormon town and it was an ultimate sin to drink coffee or anything with caffeine.

lol I visited Salt Lake last year and there is some quality coffee culture in the city. Percentage of Mormons is SLC is all the way down to 40% haha

Yipes those sinful Californians moving in and influencing the culture.

I forgot about the Mormon communities in Arizona. The last company I worked at in California the three principles were Mormons

They must have gone to the huge San Diego temple. It looks a bit Walt Disneyesque

I was in NorCal but Oakland temple was pretty over the top also. And these guys weren't practicing Mormons anymore at least that was the impression I got.