Greetings, My dear Hive Fellows.
Every country has different taste buds, and they love eating different foods according to their taste. Even different parts of the country have different taste preferences. Countries with huge populations, like China and India, have tremendous varieties of food diversities. Even in Bangladesh, we have many local recipes that have a solid variety all over the country. But there are some common foods that are the same in every region of the country. In Bangladesh, the scenarios are the same as all over the country. And you can get these common food items in every restaurant from the big city to the very rural villages. I am going to share one of my typical dinners in Bangladesh during my last visit to Bangladesh with a variety of foods at home.
I am a completely foody guy and love to try various foods that are unique from place to place. And I have the capability to consume the tasteless things that many people can not tolerate. I have been so habitual in this matter since I came to China as most of the foods are completely different from my home country's foods, Especially the use of a great number of spices in most of the foods in Bangladesh is common, but here in Beijing, I feel they don't love spices. Sometimes, I get no taste of many dishes that are just steamed without any spices, but these are healthy foods, and I often consume them without opening my eyes to get the nutrition.
In Bangladesh, we like rice as a staple food and different curries with rice are the main food habit for daily meals here. Most varieties you will find here are fish, including curry, steamed, fried, vote, and many other combos of certain fish with certain ingredients to make them so delicious. This one is a kind of half-fried and half-steamed with some spices together, which is one of the popular forms of the fish recipe in Bangladesh.
Meat is commonly eaten in the curry form with a more spicy level than the Indian curry version, which is a little bit sweeter than the Bangladeshi version. Especially for the beef we use most species version of curry.
In addition to the omelet for the fried version in the Breakfast, you can also find the egg vuna, which is cooked after being boiled with some spices to make it more delicious. This one can be found everywhere as it is the cheapest form of meal combo with some rice dishes.
This is one of my favorite small fish fry that is the most healthy food also as you can eat them all, including the heads and tiny bones in them. They are caught from the open water area in the river or canals, which are so common in Bangladesh. They are also very fresh as they are not being raised with unhealthy foods or bad practices on the farms.
This one is a kind of seatmeat made with milk, coconuts, and sugar. I think Bangladeshi people will be at the top for consuming so many sweets, and you can find hundreds of sweetmeat versions here, and there are so many shops in every corner of Dhaka City. I can't find any kind of sweetmeat shops anywhere in my observation. Nut these homemade sweets are not so unhealthy like the outsides ones.
Also, there is a more common form of a dish called 'dal,' which is a liquid dish with melted pulses that is consumed with rice when the dishes are slightly dry. Then, this dish adds flavor and flexibility to the meal. I forgot to take a photo of that, though I don't like that too much as I prefer a relatively dry meal.
Also, you will find many kinds of salads, but tomatoes and cucumbers are the most popular. At least, you will see some green chili and raw onion taken with you almost everywhere if proper salad items are missing.
I hope you like my clicks on the common food items that are everyday foods in Bangladesh with one of my dinner meal items on my last visit to Bangladesh. If you have any queries, let me know in the comments, and I will try my best to answer them as much as I can afford.
Thanks a lot for your time and attention. I will catch up with you at the next one.
Wish you a good day!
All the photos are taken by me and these are my own properties.