Bean balls and bread 🍞🫘(A palatable classic food pairing|Alubias con pan (Un maridaje clásico y apetitoso)

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago (edited)










Hello foodie friends, we re back again with another foodie post, in this one i share with you a classical African delicacy meal which is usually fof the breakfast meal of the day, i show you a look into my preparation of my breakfast of fried bean balls paired with bread

My preparation had started the night before, when i had washed the beans for blending, in this morning then blended it into a purry-paste like consistency, i then began the friend, taking my scooping spoon i scoop some of the blended bean in balls dropping them into the already hot pan of oil, and they fry for about 5 minutes, a deep frying oil is

After the frying of the bean ball have been deep fried for 5 minutes, they turn to a golden brown colour after this process, and i proceeded to serve some in a plate with my bread slices to go. have you ever tried bean balls , if so what are they called in you location.i really love me this breakfast delicacy every one in awhile because it s a classic taste that one would crave often. Thank you for visiting today , let me know if you liked the balls, what are your thoughts on how they look..see you soon.

Hola amigos foodie, estamos de vuelta con otro post foodie, en este comparto con ustedes una comida clásica delicadeza africana que suele ser fof la comida del desayuno del día, os muestro un vistazo a mi preparación de mi desayuno de bolas de frijol frito emparejado con pan

Mi preparación había comenzado la noche anterior, cuando me había lavado los frijoles para mezclar, en esta mañana luego se mezcla en un purry-pasta como la consistencia, entonces empecé el amigo, tomando mi cuchara scoop i scoop algunos de los frijoles mezclados en bolas dejándolos caer en la sartén ya caliente de aceite, y se fríen durante unos 5 minutos, un aceite de fritura profunda es

Después de la fritura de la bola de frijol se han frito durante 5 minutos, que a su vez a un color marrón dorado después de este proceso, y procedió a servir som ina plato con mis rebanadas de pan para llevar. ¿alguna vez has probado las bolas de frijol, si es así lo que se les llama en que location.i realmente me encanta este desayuno delicadeza de vez en cuando porque s un sabor clásico que uno anhela a menudo. Gracias por visitar hoy, hágamelo saber si te gustó las bolas, ¿cuáles son sus pensamientos sobre cómo se ven .. nos vemos pronto.

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Hi @vanessakor

This recipe is fine, but I inform you that you can publish a single post every 24 hours, in one of these communities: Foodies Bee Hive, Amazing Drinks and Plant Power Vegan, no less than in that period of time. This is because the three communities are linked to each other.

17 hours ago you posted on Amazing Drinks, and 1 hour ago here, on Foodies Bee Hive. Avoid these practices or your account will be silenced in all three communities.


The note is taking @sirenahippie , i would ensure to abide by the rules in the coming future. Thanks for enlightening me.