Hello friends and lovers of food, hope you're all doing well.
Today I'll be sharing with you a very simple yet delicious recipe.
This recipe is easy to make few ingredients were used to make it.
Beans : 3 cups
Maggi : 2 cubes
Pepper : 1 teaspoon
Abacha( I can't give the measurement because it can't be measure but you can use as much or as little you want).
Palm oil
Natural potash : I used the cover to measure 3 caps, that's what I used.
Abacha: this is also called jigbo or tapioka in some eastern states in Nigeria. To get this you harvest your cassava and boil till done but not too cooked, after that you allow to cool down then slice it thinly with a knife and soak in water till the next day and it's ready to eat.
I love the combination of beans and abacha because they both are very nutritious and healthy.
I started by picking the beans then boiled till soft.
I then added maggi and salt to the beans and allowed to boil for sometime. The I put it down and served on a plate and allowed to cool down.
Next I washed my abacha and put it in a sieve to drain the water.
After that was done, I brought out my clean pot, added palm oil, potash and pepper then mixed it together. Then I went in with my abacha and mixed properly before adding the beans and mixing all very well. I had to adjust my salt because the salt I put wasn't enough. After mixing all, your delicious meal is ready to be served.
If you truly want to enjoy this meal, crayfish and uziza(after pounding) after mixing everything and you've served the slice onions and put, you'll truly enjoy it. I didn't use them because I didn't have them at the time.
All images are mine, some were taken by the five years old son, I couldn't get the image of the end process because my baby kept bring plate for me to dish his food and was using the plate to block the pot.