Esp/Eng I show you the process of making white 🧀 🧀 cheese, in a rural area, the traditional way!

in Foodies Bee Hive6 months ago



Hola hola amigos amantes de la buena comida 😋, espero estén pasando una excelente semana, de la mano de Dios Todopoderoso, estoy agradecida de estar nuevamente por acá, ya que tuve que irme a la zona rural por varios días sin internet 🤦 pero aproveché el tiempo conociendo hermosos lugares y compartiendo con familiares y amigos, comiendo platos propios de la zona y de la temporada, además pude presenciar el proceso de elaboración de queso blanco de la forma tradicional, realmente descubrí muchas cosas que no sabía, como por ejemplo que para su preparación la leche 🥛 no la hierven, la usan directamente de la vaca 🐄🐄🫣, y el proceso es más fácil y rápido de lo que imaginaba.

Llegamos a casa de una amiga, y, estaban por comenzar a elaborar queso 🧀, así que tomé mi teléfono 📲 ( siempre lo llevo conmigo por si se presenta la oportunidad de tomar fotos 🫣), y comencé a documental todo el paso a paso.

El queso blanco forma parte de nuestra dieta diaria, a mi por ejemplo, me gusta mucho con arepas 🫓, y 🍞, a la hora de desayunar o cenar, y poder prepararlo es excelente porque ahorra costos, además que se aprovecha todo, porque del suero que queda en el proceso hacen la mantequilla llanera que luego les muestro su elaboración.

Este queso es muy natural porque no usan aditivos químicos, cómo el cuajo en polvo o pastillas, sino directamente el cuajo de la vaca 🐄, acompañe en el paso a paso:


Hello hello friends lovers of good food 😋, I hope you are having an excellent week, by the hand of God Almighty, I am grateful to be here again, since I had to go to the countryside for several days without internet 🤦 but I took advantage of the time getting to know beautiful places and sharing with family and friends, I was also able to witness the process of making white cheese in the traditional way, I really discovered many things I did not know, such as for example that for its preparation the milk 🥛 is not boiled, it is used directly from the cow 🐄🐄🐄🫣, and the process is easier and faster than I imagined.

We arrived at a friend's house, and, they were about to start making cheese 🧀, so I grabbed my phone 📲 ( I always carry it with me in case the opportunity to take pictures arises 📲), and started documenting the whole step by step.

White cheese is part of our daily diet, I for example, I really like it with arepas 🫓, and 🍞, at breakfast or dinner, and to be able to prepare it is excellent because it saves costs, plus everything is used, because the whey remaining in the process make the llanera butter that then I show you its elaboration.

This cheese is very natural because they do not use chemical additives such as rennet powder or tablets, but directly the rennet from the cow 🐄, follow the step by step:



Para 2 kilos de queso blanco

8 litros de leche
1 taza pequeña de cuajo bovino


For 2 kilos of white cheese:

8 liters of milk
1 small cup of cattle rennet




Primero se cuela la leche en colador de tela para eliminar alguna impureza, luego se cuela el cuajo, se le añade a la leche y se deja en reposo unas dos horas.


First the milk is strained in a cloth strainer to remove any impurities, then the rennet is strained, added to the milk and left to stand for about two hours.





Pasado este tiempo ⏲️, se mezcla nuevamente y se nota como la leche está cortada, le añaden un poquito de agua, unos 500ml, para que se separe más rápido el suero

After this time ⏲️, mix again and notice how the milk is cut, add a little water, about 500ml, to separate the whey faster.




Se saca el suero y se deja la parte sólida..

The serum is removed and the solid part is left in...




Se le añade sal al gusto, se lleva a una funda de tela fina, y se deja destilando unas 5-6 horas.

Salt is added to taste, it is placed in a fine cloth cover and left to distill for 5-6 hours.






Se saca de la funda, y, está listo el queso 😋🧀🧀

Queda con una textura y sabor espectacular.

En el campo aprovechan todo porque del suero hacen mantequilla y lo que queda es para alimentar a los cerdos!

Espero te haya gustado el proceso!

Gracias por pasar!

Dios te bendiga 🙏

Take it out of the casing, and, the cheese is ready 😋🧀🧀🧀.

It has a spectacular texture and flavor.

In the countryside they take advantage of everything because from the whey they make butter and what is left is to feed the pigs!

I hope you liked the process!

Thanks for stopping by!

God bless you 🙏




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      Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       

   All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



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A captivating look at the traditional process of making white cheese in a rural area,
I discovered the steps from sourcing milk to the final product, with a focus on the natural and sustainable methods used in this region.
Thank you for sharing

Thank you for your visit!

They still use the traditional method in that area!
Blessings 🙏

That cheese looks spectacular, with a little bit of jam I'll eat it all hahaha. Very interesting the information you shared, because I didn't know specifically how the process of making the white cheese that I like so much. Cheers.

You should know that around here in the area they eat it a lot with guava and banana jam 🍌, it goes perfect!

Thanks to you for your visit!

Greetings and Blessings 🙏

Spreading this cheese into a toasted bread 😋 married to perfection. It's nice to see that they still make cheese in traditional way.

That's true my friend, on a toasted 🍞 bread it goes perfect 😋.

Still in the rural area they bet on the traditional!

Blessings 🙏

Saludos amiga,se ve delicioso el queso, el acompañante ideal para las cachapas, nunca había visto el proceso de elaboración. 😋👍❤️

Saludos mi estimada @evelin71 , cómo dices es el acompañante perfecto para una rica cachapa 😋.

Gracias por pasar!