My title choices might evidence that I have been binge-watching Brooklyn 99, my apologies.
Here there, Zak from Cape Town, South Africa and I am not in a pickle... but I would like to be.
I have been going through an interesting phase of combining the kitchen and the garden together recently. Not only growing things in the garden that go into the kitchen but also prepping things in the kitchen, to go into the garden.
Alright, I also make my own compost so I guess a lot of the kitchen scraps already go there... but this is different.
I have been re-growing onion cuttings. Though I have not yet been able to grow a full sized onion, I have managed these little guys:
Grown from onions but it is giving me nice little baby onions like these:
This leaves me to believe that they would be great for pickling! I have not pickled before. I have been in a pickle, but only metaphorically speaking.
I want something easy to start with but I am open to suggestions.
I found the following I like the simple proccesses of:
But I am not keen on buying Honey... its pricy.
This one is better but leads me to believe that there are loads and loads of recipes.
The procedure stays the same so its all about taste. So let me hear it!
What is your favorite pickled onion flavour or ingredients?
Meanwhile I pick up some food from nearby that was also essential that I pick. We can eat it or compost it but I cannot let my Basil plants mature by producing leaves. So I pick them...
They ARE edible and go into any food you would stick basil! I then rinse it all off to ensure there are no bugs.
There is never a worry about pesticides, I do not use any!
Let that sit to dry and then stick it into the fridge... where no doubt @clairemobey will use it in something that she makes! I might even use it myself... I shall take pictures and let you know!
Thank you for reading this post!