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RE: Squid Game

in CineTVlast year

I instantly knew that I wanted to watch this after seeing the first trailer on Youtube way back and I loved the show now looking forward to what they will do with Season 2. However, I loved both Alice in Borderland seasons even more which is a similar type show.


I am also keen to see where they take it for season 2. I wonder what the red hair thing means! lol

I didnt see Alice in Borderland yet, but now it is on my watchlist.

If you enjoyed Squid Game, you will love Alice in Borderland. It's 2 seasons with a finished story that makes sense in the end. Season 1 starts out great, had somewhat of a dip after the middle as the setting changes a bit but it gets better again at the end of the season. I loved the 2nd season even more than the 1st and often had a smile on my face for ho inventive and fun some of the games were.

I just watched the trailer of season 1 but it doesn't do the series justice as it avoids giving anything away. I have no clue why Squid Game got so insanely popular while Alice In Borderland mostly was overlooked never getting any hype. I would love to be in a position where I had not watched it yet so I could enjoy the ride from scratch. Highly Recommended!

That sounds pretty cool. It is next on my to watch list, hopefully will grab a few episodes later. There are some great shows on lately which is cool, especially at this time of year.