How do you feel when someone appreciate your look

in ecoTrain4 months ago

lt was still on a topic like this one that make a friend told me the feelings that comes when people appreciate his look are big, lnfact lt ls one of those things that make him want to run a billion metre's race for free, but he said lt tons of years ago, l do not timely get in touch with him these days due to the fact that we are living ln separate areas, so I don't know lf he can as well run that metre's race even today, when someone said he is cute.

You know the way we feels at our young age and the things we do as we grow up to face life as an adult are not the same.

Taking from myself there are a lot of things l have limits at this stage of my life, and lt ls not because l do not want to do them, but as l find out that, they are not truly what i want to do as at this point ln time, and stopping those things as well has somehow shape my behavior.

Nevertheless, I do not think my friend alone used to have that feelings or feels that way when he got appreciated because of his look, l was feeling happy at lt as well, l recalled me who didn't want to wash plates because lt wasn't my turn to do so, end up washing lt for my sister, just because she said that i was the most finest ln the environment we stayed.

You know what I think of by then? l started to smile and feels joyful on everything, we all know that everything started at home, so ln whatever places i go around, l was carrying lt on my mind that I was the finest because my sister has given me the award, although the award didn't come with money.

Therefore, the worst part of it was that, she knew she has gotten me, and lt was my weak point then, so I was doing most of the things that was ln her place to do, just because once she reminds me that I was the finest around there, lt will burst my loco, and I won't ever hesitate, but I would go ahead and do whatever she wants me to do.

But one day l realized she didn't mean all of it that she said, but were just using it so that I helped her sometimes ln her schedule, because on a normal time she would not come and whisper to me on my ear that i was the cutest guy in the neighborhood, she only did lt when she needed me to assist her with some activities in the house.

So, this day she came and told me that l am the finest around there, she didn't noticed that I was aware of what she did, l told her "right now l do not want to get cute, cutest, or finest or anything, but I just want to be at a place". lnfact l am ready to give the award to any person who is interested.

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