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RE: LOH #169Breaking the Cycle of Impulse Buying: Strategies for Success.

in Ladies of Hive8 months ago

This is very interesting, you know its advisable to ensure you aren't emotionally exhausted when it comes to purchase of items like you said. I discover that when ever i don't obey this rule of yours, it leads me to thinking of returning non useful things purchased or I just send someone to shopping for me instead. thanks for shaing.


Oh yes, that's such an important point. Emotional spending, or "retail therapy", is a real phenomenon and it can lead to buyer's remorse or regretful purchases. It's so important to be mindful of our emotions when we're making financial decisions. Sometimes it's best to wait until we're in a more neutral headspace before making a purchase. I love your idea of sending someone else to do the shopping for you. Sometimes a little distance from a purchase can help us to make wiser decisions. Thank you for this great point

Wow that's great.