It's exciting to know that the ladies of the hive are empowering each other. I am so happy to be a part of all this. This is my first entry.
My Regular Meals
I mostly focus on my regular meals, which I take three times in one day.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner
I always prefer the same kind of food at one time which means I love to have one specific meal at one time. For example, I take Paratha (flatbread) with egg and milk tea. Milk tea contains caffeine which helps enhance our mood I always prefer tea in the morning as a mood booster. Moreover, as we all know eggs contain protein which is very beneficial for our muscle growth and development also flatbreads have carbs which provide me energy for the whole day so that I can work unstoppable. ( I apologize if you think I am teaching you biology 🤣 )
Image from Meta AI I can sense smell out of the pic.
For lunch, I used to eat flatbread with any vegetable or grain whatever my mom decided to cook at home that was not under my control so I had to eat whatever made at home 😂 unfortunately.
For dinner, I always prefer light but healthy foods like fruit chat, Russian salad, lentil and rice porridge (with a low spice concentration that we gradually eat with pickle), dryfruits (which are getting more attention and love from my family in the winter), and chicken or vegetable soup. These are sufficient for my everyday meals, albeit I eat a lot more options. I know everyone takes at least three meals a day to stay alive, and that's what I do and believe me without them, I'll die in a few days.😂
Healthy food v\s junk food
I mostly like to eat healthy food because healthy food gives us energy and keeps us fit but sometimes it is ok to have fun and junk food in out life so to enjoy junk food we all collected our money and order food for all of us. On normal days, I eat only healthy food i means after my three meals, I can't even think of eating anything else but on festivals or family functions, everything is different. On such occasions, my siblings and cousins use our money to buy some junk food like pizza, burgers or fries, and at that time, we all enjoy it.
My parents always tell us that junk food is not good for our health, but we are still young at heart, sometimes we still think we should enjoy it a little. Anyway, it's not bad to enjoy these tasty things sometimes as long as it doesn't become a habit.
Self care and self love reciepes
Ahh skincare reciepe one of my favorite is Aleovera and honey mask for my face as I have a extremely dry skin I use aleovera to keep it hydrate moreover honey is antibacterial it is food for our skin.
How to make mask
I simply take 2 spoon of aleovera gel and 1 spoon of honey if you are taking fresh aleo vera then keep it 1 hour straight before use so that yellowish liquid inside it will not harm your skin but I mostly prefer aleovera from market thats refined and free to use. Mix both ingredients and apply on face for ten mints and then wash it off with water. I mostly do this in the evening when I pick up my favorite book and a cup of tea to sit in corner quietly and feed my mind with positivity al around me thats also a private and most special way of self care in this way you are helping your mind to grow and gather positivity all around the world spending time with myself and books is one of my favorite hobby that I love to do I believe this time help me growing my thoughts.
Futhermore, as i mention above in my foods i use to eat fruit chat in the dinner thats not pre decided meal and specific for the whole family thats how i care aboutmy self grab some fruits from the fridge cut them take a bowl pour some salt and black pepper into it and eat it like i am giving my own self a princess treatmnet i dont need anyone else to make me feel amazing i am enough for me 🥰
i dont have any fany self care reciepe i just do these small things that make me comfortable and happy thats all a human should expect from himself isnt it?
Do you tend to eat whatever you crave for?
NO, I am so weird that I don't understand why I crave strange combinations around me. For example, sometimes I want to drink all of the carbonate/soft drinks at the same time, so I put Sprite, Coke, Mirinda, 7up, and Pepsi in one glass and drink it. Wow, seriously??
I sometimes want to pour cream over the noodles as we do with pasta because it's so creamy and tasty, why shouldn't the noodles taste like it? My brain allow me to blend them and get both tastes together.
I know that cravings is overrated and not good for health, but sometimes I enjoy these foods to please my heart, but I don't always let them win. Most of the time, I focus on my regular meals, but when I'm in the mood for something specific, I can't stop myself.
That's all from the weirdest girl. I would love to hear from you about your habits feel free to tell me in the comment section.
Thank you for your precious and valuable time