in Ecencylast year

The village life what can of life can we term it as is it peaceful,are their crimes,how the villagers carry out their daily activities,What foods can be found their as well. I am gonna show you all what life is like in the village.
I will start first by telling you all the name the village I visited this year.The village is my grandfathers younger sisters,her husband’s village which is NENU.
The Nenu autonomous community which is located in the out-sketch of Obingwa Local Government in Aba Abia State Nigeria.
The long awaited visit to Nenu have always been in the mind of I and my elder brother for some while now because we have been invited for a long time now to come over.Finally the day was decided on 29th of December 2023 we embarked on our journey,the journey was a 30 to 45 minutes trip to Nenu.
We finally got there after some while and meet our granny there she was so happy to see us.
She prepared as delicious delicacy called oha soup which was made and was waiting for us.

After eating we went out to their popular market region called AHIA OREUKWU which was populated both day and night. We went with our uncle who got us some cow meat pepper soup and malt which tasted really good.

We all had a great day that day and their came on big challenge.
I was been bitten by an insect which left bumps all over my skin

It hurts so much and it cant be ignored and rub the skin till it was irritated,then came this remedy.A palm kernel branch was burned and the smoke stopped the biting i was surprised at the quick response of the smoke.
The next day came and i went off to go fetch some water with the legendary white house bicycle which is really common in most villages and i knew here wouldn't be any different

Most homes dont have pipe borne water and watwr had to be fetched somewhere else.
Their is this water system which water can be gotten from but it needs to strength to get the water up it goes with the name hernia pump.The handles is moved up and down and it draws water up out of your own strength.

On my way back i saw a fruit called star apple in english but in the locality is called udara and their are two types of them the sweet on and the sour one and it is really difficult to find it out unless it is been tasted but the dont both come from the same tree

31st December's 2023 also the last day of 2023 we went out to enjoy the last night together as family
We took alot of alcoholic drinks and meat with some other things and stayed up all night to 2am the next morning

It was wild and most got drunk and fell around on the way home but we all got home safely.
Yesterday was also similar we also went out to get drinks and also came back by 2am and till now there is still merriment gojng on here

By tomorrow i would be taking my leave back to Abia State
And i hope to enjoy the rest of my days in the village
Would update you all more from my inleo threads for now good bye guys


So peace