My Tuesday started on a good note. I woke up around 6:40 AM after a very sweet and undisturbed sleep. There was light, so I didn't experience the regular heat that had been tormenting us for some weeks. The fan was on, and I switched it to No.1 spot, which is the fastest. I enjoyed the breeze like never before.
If I had my way, I would have stayed in bed till 8:00 AM or probably missed going to work, but no—I must go; otherwise, I won't get paid at the end of the month. I left for work at some minutes to 8:00 AM.
My duty in the office was fine—the normal routine, which I did while patiently waiting for 4:00 PM so I could close. Finally, 4:00 PM reached, and we closed. While heading home, trekking, I received a call. It was from a friend who had seen me pass close to their house. I was called back to branch at their house. I couldn't resist, so I turned back.
As a good Tuesday would have it, I was served a big plate of rice. I don't know if I should call that dinner or lunch. Lol. I ate while having a nice time with my friend and his family. I always feel at home whenever I visit their house. I stayed there until about 7:00 PM before I got up and started heading to my house.
When I got home, my stomach was still full, so I didn't bother to make food to eat again. I only warmed the food to prevent it from getting sour. We don't have electricity to preserve food, so we warm them instead.
The only thing I did was go get a bottle of soft drink from a store close by. I sat outside the house within the compound to drink, scrolled through social media, and decided to write about my Tuesday.
How was your Tuesday, hope it's cool as mine?