No se imaginan cuanto me gusta estar en esta hermosa
¨EcencyCommunity¨: ya que es una de las comunidades que más apoyo me han dado; para aquellos que nunca comparte sus posts aquí, les comento que se están perdiendo una excelente oportunidad de que sus posts reciban compensaciones
Source: Family Álbum
You can't imagine how much I like being in this beautiful
¨EcencyCommunity¨: since it is one of the communities that has given me the most support; For those who never share their posts here, I would like to tell you that you are missing out on a great opportunity to have your posts compensated
Mi abuelo es de esas personas que no habla de las cosas que les pasa, pero aquellos que lo conocemos sabemos cuándo no está bien, y no hablo de ¨salud¨, me refiero a sus ¨emociones¨. Cuando hay algo que le molesta o le preocupa habla poco y nada, solo se limita a responder lo que se le pregunta
Source: Family Álbum
My grandfather is one of those people who doesn't talk about the things that happen to him, but those of us who know him know when he's not well, and I'm not talking about "health", I'm referring to his "emotions". When something bothers him or worries him, he says little or nothing, he just limits himself to answering what is asked of him
Cuando está atravesando esta situación siempre nos invita a toda la familia a un paseo por la costa, allí hay muchos lugares hermosos donde el se sienta a ¨meditar¨, estar cerca del agua viendo la naturaleza lo anima mucho, es como si allí ¨renovara¨ sus ¨emociones¨
Source: Family Álbum
When he is going through this situation he always invites the whole family to go for a walk along the coast, there are many beautiful places where he sits to "meditate", being near the water watching nature encourages him a lot, it is as if there he "renewed" his "emotions"
La ribera es un lugar que nos encanta visitar y caminar a lo largo de la ¨avenida¨¨costanera¨; para ser honesta no me sorprende que siempre escoja venir a esta zona de la ciudad cuando no está bien de ¨ánimo¨, dado que el hecho de estar cerca de la orilla del agua es muy relajante
Source: Family Álbum
The riverbank is a place that we love to visit and walk along the coastal avenue; To be honest, I'm not surprised that she always chooses to come to this part of town when she's not in the right mood, since being near the water's edge is very relaxing
Mientras caminábamos mi abuela vio en la orilla del rio a unas preciosas aves, y como a mi abuelo le encanta, decidió que nuestra caminata terminara en la arena en la costa del rio. Siempre les comento que el ¨teléfono¨¨móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ de mi abuela no es bueno para hacer fotografías de aves, aunque estas están bastante bien
Source: Family Álbum
While we were walking, my grandmother saw some beautiful birds on the riverbank, and since my grandfather loves it, he decided that our walk would end on the sand on the riverbank. I always tell them that my grandmother's "mobile phone" "Motoe7plus" is not good for taking pictures of birds, although these are pretty good
Source: Family Álbum