It's happened to me. And I've also seen it a lot in my day to day. Has it happened to you?
A good decision I can make today:
I needed support and I asked for it. And I've also seen someone in need of a boost of strength and motivation, and I've been there to give it to them.
It is essential to act with resilience, with self-esteem, either to provide help or to ask for it. That definitely makes us people with emotional intelligence.
If I need a break, I will grant it to myself, I also allow myself to be kind to myself, without haste, without pauses and without guilt. Every little effort I make counts and today I recognize it in me.
I don't have to ’fit in' I swear. 🙄
The real truth is that the really fundamental thing is that I know myself, accept myself and validate myself.
It is impressive when I analyze each stage of my life seeing the positive and negative of each of them and it is there that I realize that the greatest value in myself has been given to me and I continue to give it to myself. It does not depend on the approval of others, only on myself, therefore, I value every action I do as if it were the last to be performed.
Stop the ear! 👂The year 2024 ends... and 2025 begins...! Let's be aware of this, learning to channel emotions, is not so easy.
But if it is achieved.
Sometimes, intelligence is the art of knowing how to leave, to close a cycle to make our life a greater purpose.
I'm sure of something, when I decided to validate myself, I understood that pain will always appear suddenly, when I least expect it, that's where I'm going to realize if I've already learned to cope with my emotional life, when I feel sadness and accept it, I cry and I don't feel any sorrow.
Also when I feel a lot of fear and I tell myself "How afraid I am of this", as well as when I feel anger and I prefer to withdraw so as not to react and allow myself to feel it from other perspectives without hurting anyone.
Many times things are not given to us, and even if it doesn't seem like it or at the moment we don't understand it, and that, is good news.
I prefer to focus on the small achievements, the small details, and the small joys. I am definitely the architect of my life. It is not about what others expect, but about what I decide: to approach what fills me or to move away from what weighs me down.
The change is in our hands. When we are impervious to the evil that is thrown at us, we have succeeded in life. Being well doesn't just mean having a great time. It is also to be well-off to face the challenge that life presents us.
I just try to validate myself every day.☺️
Janitze 🌹
Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva
Translation with |DeepL