The alarm clock of my neurons...

in Reflections3 months ago


As I am stuck in the house with this rainy day, every day with thunder and flashes, they are scary, I have decided to appeal to my memory to tell everyday stories. Recently I was asked about me, habit of getting up at dawn every day of the week, so I woke up recreating the story.

I get up very early at 5 am, even Saturday and Sunday, on weekends, which is when I have the most playful activities for my life, because I am captivated by the silence and the gloom. While I'm making my coffee, I get excited about everything I've learned about the alarm clock of my neurons.

This drink of Gods for my taste, is the first thing that goes down my throat at dawn, what activates my brain to write, the aroma that awakens my house, makes me fly to the countryside where my paternal grandparents lived, in their hacienda of coffee, sugar cane and cocoa in Boconó, to the southeast of the state Trujillo in the Venezuelan Andean mountain range.

I remember that...

It was a wonderful sunrise there and at 4 AM listening to the radio on and that was the sign that my grandmother Carmen was grinding coffee, and the aroma woke us all up. It was a spectacle to sit and watch her, my grandmother grinding and straining the first coffee of the morning and to drink coffee all, it was the first of the day, the tastiest.

That experience is unique, hivings folks, being in a flowering coffee grove and living the step by step from germination to planting, is like being pregnant, and giving birth to it. It's just like when at school they put us to germinate a caraota bean in a glass with a blotter or absorbent paper.

How much effort, early mornings, hard work I represent to grow it on the farm for my paternal grandparents. And yes, I'm bragging about this moment, I'm bragging about having lived with my grandparents since I was a little girl, this experience.

From that moment it began to be filled with different brands of coffee from the world and mills, pewter mugs, ... when there was no space, we extended the cabinets to the wall, as it looks today.

My inspiration were so many houses from villages, from other states of my country, and from other countries like Colombia, for example that I visit very often for work reasons, where the ladies usually have an altar for the honor they pay to that moment of straining coffee even with the traditional medium (strainer).

Immersing myself until consolidating the sense of rooting with this my aroma and flavor for coffee, I confess that it has me delirious to know and live the complete universe of the drink that wakes me up daily, because you only want what you know.

Getting up early is a privilege for me, no matter what they say, I love watching the sunrise, and if I'm in the countryside or the beach uffff even better, it's my way of feeling the day, eager to live and obviously the aroma of coffee can not miss. Do you like to get up early?, share your experience when the aroma of coffee, or your kettle to make your morning drink, wakes you up.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


Double posting?

G'day Galen it was an error with the Internet , which is very intermittent, and I thought he has not sent it to My blog.

I am out of my city and it is not the same. I apologize for that. What should I do to cancel a shipment. i hear guidance from you. Grateful

What a beautiful friend, everything you tell us about your sunrises with your cup of coffee and how you lived the experience of seeing the whole process of this succulent beverage, from the time the seed is sown until it reaches the cup.

I don't like to get up early, because I go to bed too late, however, I still get up from Monday to Saturday at 5:30 in the morning and not with the smell of coffee, because that's not how we do it, but with the sound of the alarm clock, hehehehe.

My mornings are great and with my coffee cup alarm clock the ideas flow at full gallop hahah my husband tells me that is my biological alarm clock, that other alarm clock of the rinnnnn already stopped using a couple of years ago.

Fortunately I lived that experience of seeing how the cafe was set up with my paternal grandparents on their farm.

I rarely share these personal details here, but that day I wrote this post I woke up, it was raining from 4 am in my city and with coffee in hand I was inspired to write This post, then I went to my work.

Thanks for stopping to read and comment @leidimarc 🌹