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RE: Attached at the System

in Reflections2 months ago

These world is meant for all living creatures, no boundaries. However, human greed set line to separate there domain from other.

For the governance, base on history when the religion govern, they called it the black ages (religion is the worst in my opinion) killings of non-beleiver from both side is not condemned.

For dictatorships on the other hand, look China and Russia today. They have this government, there is progress for the one who dictate (government) while suffering for it's people (slave).

And for democracies, yes it is the best there is, not a flawless but still we have some fake freedom in it.

In my opinion, human greed of powers makes us the worst creatures. Hear this; animals and nature lives in perfect harmony. Animal takes only what it need to survive. While us humans, we take everything what we seen we want it all. We destroys everything on our path to fulfill our greed.


And for democracies, yes it is the best there is, not a flawless but still we have some fake freedom in it.

Can there be fake freedom? There can be naivety :) I think there are better ways to govern than through what we are using now, though it is going to require changes at the foundation level of our culture.

Hope one day, in some mysterious way somebody will implement it.