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RE: Shit weasel

in Reflections11 months ago

I love this.

The funniest thing of all, is that generally these types of people never admit what they are, and project their true being onto others.
I work with many of them, and I have been accused of being the real shit weasel, so much so that I have doubted myself and have come to consider that I am in fact a shit weasel. But every day more and more information comes out that exposes them for what they are, and I breathe and say, haha ​​it's not me!

...and I did my best not to fucken kill him...

I can relate, we will become experts in breathing techniques 😂😂😂


I agree, they are sneaky little weasels Nd often try to shift the blame and liability to others; in the end their behaviour exposes them and confirms their shit weaselyness though.