I hate to write. I have always hated it.
My first post as a French Navy officer was in Tahiti for a year in 1971-1972.
For several months I did not write any letter to my parents.
One day, the ship received a message saying that on such a date at such hour, there would be a test on a long-distance radio frequency, and the Captain (Navy) Yves Dyevre, the head of communications in the French Navy, would ask to talk to the Ensign Vincent Celier (me).
My Commanding Officer was very surprised and asked me what was that about. I told him that Captain Dyevre was a brother of my mother and he would tell me to write to my parents. And this is exactly what happened.
Before starting on St***it in December 2016, I had tried to write a blog, but I abandoned it quickly. But on the blockchain, with the incentive of getting crypto tokens, I was able to start to write regularly. Not always every day, but regularly.
My longest series was The Story of My Life so Far that I started in January 2017. I believe that I wrote some 130 episodes, both in English and French.
These days, I am posting at least once a day. It is easier for me to write now because it has become a routine.