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RE: Bad Winter Days Ahead ~ Blizzard Conditions

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago

I am already bed ridden and in these severe winters where I cannot tolerate -1 C which is not that much compared to you I have struggle taking a shower/bath or even walking also have issues with over eating oh I hate these winters no sunlight as well.


I wasn't going to shovel but I did.i wore a t-shirt, hoodie, wind breaker and my winter coat. With the wind it felt like -15 according to my phone. Was much worse earlier today.

I'd just be in a sweatshirt if it was -1 C, hehe

Try to take care of yourself. I don't mean tell you what to do but work on a good diet.

Regarding diet in the winters I consume two things more:

  1. More fried fish.
  2. More coffee
    Both above food items I take a lot during winters but the problem with these is that they are a bit expensive and am always running out of money so may be like 4 times a month maximum.

I drink too much coffee myself but if I were you I would consider drinking tea. If you can eat baked fish instead of fried. You would be surprised eating healthier can make you healthier

For baked fish I would have to put in oven my self but I do not know how to do it and that is why there is a shop near our home with a huge pan of oil so I tell that guy to fry fish for me.

I don't like the effect of tea as it has lower amount of caffeine also tea work only when it is really hot but my coffee I can take while it is mildly hot and not fully hot thats one of the reason I prefer coffee however it is quite expensive.