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RE: Bad Winter Days Ahead ~ Blizzard Conditions

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago

Wow, this place has some extreme temperatures. It can't be easy living in these weather conditions. I would struggle, perhaps because I'm not used to it.


This extreme cold often is only for two weeks a year here. A lot of staying inside unless you absolutely have to go out. Wednesday we will be back to double digit positive temperatures, well Fahrenheit wise. The roads are getting back to normal it quit snowing but the cold has not 🥶

What was the lowest temperature you had? Also let me know the unit of measurement, here in Europe we have degrees Celsius

With the wind chill it got as low as -40 Faherheight at times. The air temperatures were in the single to double digit negatives.

At that temperature it seems that the two units of measurement correspond and therefore it should be -40 °C. A very cold temperature indeed. Sorry for another question: But don't you have problems with cars at those very low temperatures?

Yes sometimes they won't start but usually will with a jump. It's very important to add additives to the fuel. I use a product called heat. Also not good to run tank low. I left the house today and my car took a couple turns to start