I see jobs like this and I remember when you started at Hive. I knew you would do well and I knew you would eventually share great quality content like this. It makes me happy to meet you today and see how you have grown as a content creator. I congratulate you, I hope you are having happy holidays, I send you a sincere hug Esperanza!...
¡Qué hermosas palabras! Me llena de emoción leerlas. Es muy especial para mí saber que has seguido mi camino desde que llegué a Hive y que notas mi crecimiento como creadora de contenido. Este espacio ha sido una verdadera bendición, un lugar donde he podido expresar mi esencia y aprender tanto de personas maravillosas como tú. Espero que también estés disfrutando unas felices fiestas, y te envío un abrazo grandototote lleno de gratitud. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo siempre!
What beautiful words! I am filled with emotion when I read them. It is very special for me to know that you have followed my path since I arrived at Hive and that you notice my growth as a content creator. This space has been a true blessing, a place where I have been able to express my essence and learn so much from wonderful people like you. I hope you are also enjoying a happy holiday season, and I send you a big hug full of gratitude. Thank you for your support always!