Genus Lampides

in Nature Observer8 months ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus LampidesJuly 15 2024Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia

The genus Lampides is a group of small butterflies belonging to the Lycaenidae family. These butterflies are known for their characteristic bright blue color on their wings, which are often accompanied by stripes or other interesting patterns. Lampides are often found. In tropical and subtropical regions around the world, these butterflies tend to live in open habitats such as grasslands, fields and even city parks. Several species of lampides are also known for their life cycle which involves a symbolic relationship with ants, where the larvae Butterflies provide nutrition to ants and ants provide protection to larvae from predator attacks, this is something extraordinary in the animal world in the wild.

the beauty and uniqueness of the lampides genus is not only limited to the beauty of the bright blue color of their wings, but they also attract attention because of their interesting life cycle and amazing adaptation to their environment, most species of lampides have larvae that depend on host plants as their food source, After passing through the pupal phase they become adult butterflies which actively search for nectar as their main source.

Ecologically, lampides also play an important role in the ecosystem as pollinators, even though they are relatively small, their role in plant pollination is very important to maintain biodiversity and productivity of the ecosystem where they live. These beautiful butterflies are only easy to find in the afternoon when the dew starts. It sticks to the leaves of weeds and grasslands, so if you want to observe this beautiful butterfly then come in the evening and you will be lucky.

Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographyGenus Lampides
LocationBuket Alue Puteh

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A very beautiful photo

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